Workshop about Innovation Policies for Cultural Heritage Institutions


The CIVIC ESPISTEMOLOGIES project’s has the task to design a Roadmap for broadening e-Infrastructure deployment to support citizen researchers in digital culture. A first draft version of the Roadmap has been presented at the Workshop on the Roadmap in Leuven (20 February 2015). The Consortium received a lot of feedback from external experts, and this Workshop will be the occasion to present an advanced version of the Roadmap, in order to obtain other inputs from different stakeholders before finalizing the Roadmap.

cvc_180x201The project deals also with the role of the Cultural Heritage Institutions (CHIs). Our task is to define which are the policies that should apply to cultural institutions in order to be ready to cooperate with citizens and their organisations in research on cultural heritage, and how to assure the quality of the result. This task is also exploring how the availability of infrastructure services can support this process of innovation and which are the conditions for cultural heritage institutions to be ready for this, such are training, equipment, new workflow, IPR management, etc…

This Workshop will be the occasion to discuss with European Cultural Heritage organisations about the role that can be played in this innovation process by the participation of citizens and the use of e-Infrastructures. We have already collected feedbacks of CHIs about involving citizens for services digital cultural heritage.

Invited are partners, associate partners and experts from museums, libraries and archives, researchers and a few representatives from civil associates beyond the consortium.

PROGRAMME (download the pdf file here)


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