Internet Festival 2013 Edition



For the Internet Festival, closed on 13th October, Incubator was the keyword for 2013.

The organizers have already published the first official data of the event:

60 countries directly or virtually represented; more than 23.000 devices connected (smartphones, pc, tablets); more than 20 locations and more than 200 expert speakers in more than 150 events; 62 laboratories, 26 panels; 18 keynote speeches.

More information available here (italian language)

The Festival explored how new information and communication technologies are like a soil capable of creating a fertile landscape for the development and growth of ideas, inventions, opportunities, products, services and start-ups, whilst also easing the current crisis, signalling the way for shared development and representing a sustainable future.
Entrepreneurs, institutions, venture capitalists, universities and research centres met and presented their projects and case histories over four days in around twenty venues across the city of Pisa.

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The 2013 intense programme was based around the following subject areas:


The objective of the citizens’ area is to pin down matters concerning social innovation, understood in terms of improving the quality of everyday life through the innovation of the Net. The topic of Smart Cities is to be considered from citizens’ points of view, who are both the users and the protagonists of the technological innovations changing daily life.



The objective of the Makers’ area was to explore the Net as an incubator for ideas and opportunities relating to work and the economy. It investigated how the web can become a vehicle for updating old business practices (which are traditionally offline) such as publishing, how Big Data can improve both new and old business practices and how the Net can create connections and relationships, which are both efficient and productive.


The objective of the Tellers’ area was to discuss the Net as an incubator for new information flow, generated from the mass of content poured into it. Managing this flow makes it possible to swiftly respond to potential ideas, suggest advertising, identify different target groups and be aware of public opinion and the general sentiment online.

VIDEO: Internet Festival 2013 – The digital revolution continues!



The 2012 Internet Festival saw the extraordinary success of so-called T-Tours, that is, an educational and formative discovery of the Net for different age groups, competencies and interests.IF_2013_10_ottobre_0720


This year the Internet Festival introduced a new meeting point for businesses, designed not only to serve as a platform for networking, but to be a real incubator for new business opportunities and a fertile landscape for the germination of ideas.


The book and e-book section was running creative and collective workshops as well as presentations of books and e-books that discuss the web, giving the internet careful thought and interacting with the subject in a variety of different ways.

Internet Festival is an initiative organized by Fondazione Sistema Toscana with the support of many valuable institutions.

Official website:

Download the Press release of the Internet Festival here (italian language)

Download the Press release related to the meeting with Italian Ministry On. Carrozza here (italian language)

Download the Press release related to the session on the Smart Cities here (italian language)

Download the Press release related to the Big Data event here (italian language)



Visit the fondazionesistematoscana Showcase

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