DIGITAL MEETS CULTURE Official registered magazine
Monday, 31 March 2025
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DCH-RP e-Culture Science Gateway

The DCH-RP e-Culture Science Gateway (eCSG) is a standard-based web 2.0 demonstrative platform to show the Proofs of Concepts (PoCs) identified by the DCH-RP project and how they fit with the requirements defined in the Roadmap.

Data accessible through the eCSG, both this web-based one and the mobile app, are stored on the European Grid Infrastructure and are accessible through the pan-European GEANT network and the National Research & Education Networks.


Click here to access to the DCH-RP e-CSG

Download here the Mobile Application

Note: the access to the DCH-RP Science Gateway requires federated credentials issued by an Identity Provider. If the organisation you belong to does not have an Identity Provider, you can get federated credentials registering to the “open” Identity Provider which belongs to the GrIDP “catch-all” federation.


Furthermore, in collaboration with the CHAIN-REDS project, the first version of the service for parallel semantic search on linked data has been integrated in the eCSG. Here you can search in parallel across the tens of millions of resources contained in the CHAIN-REDS Knowledge Base  and in the Europeana, Cultura Italia and Isidore repositories.


Access to the parallel semantic search on linked data


DCH-RP official website: