Through a range of Proofs of Concepts, cultural institutions and e-Infrastructure providers work together to experiment the actual use of distributed computing and storage infrastructures (NREN, grids, clouds, newer data infrastructures) to store and manage cultural digital resources, starting from the targeted specific services identified in the Roadmap and from real scenarios and user stories provided by the cultural institutions.
⇒ Download here the report on the first Proof of Concepts ⇐
Here below is the list of scenarios which served as a starting point to run the Proof of Concepts. Click on the specific theme to obtain a more detailed description of the scenarios.
- Scenario 1.1. Use specialised DP tools on in-house data
- Scenario 1.2. Integrating a new tool into existing infrastructure
- Scenario 1.3. Select an existing DP solution at an institute with best effort IT support
- Scenario 1.4. Preservation from a consortium of collections on the cloud
- Scenario 1.5. Preserving a 3D visualisation
- Scenario 1.6. Retrieve archived data
- Scenario 2.1. Researcher discovers a historical database
- Scenario 2.2. Research and select a tool serving a specific purpose
- Scenario 2.3. Accessing digitised content from schools
- Scenario 2.4. Gain access to archived websites
- Scenario 3.1. Proof of authenticity in distributed archiving
- Scenario 3.1a. Extend 3.1 with repository safeguarding policies
- Scenario 3.2. Defining new services
- Scenario 3.3. Integrating new services into existing infrastructure