The European Workshop on Applied Cultural Economics (EWACE) was founded in 1990 and is intended to provide a forum for the development and dissemination of applications of quantitative methods in cultural economics, as well as cultural-related applications of mathematical economics, experimental economics and other quantitative approaches (e.g. applied micro and macroeconometric approaches).
Authors are welcome to submit papers on applied cultural economics and we offer the following lists to illustrate, but not exhaust, possible topics: industrial organization of cultural products and services (e.g. pricing, trade); labour market issues of artists (e.g. wages, migration cultural participation); spillovers and externalities of firms in the cultural sector (agglomeration); pricing of art items; studies on demand elasticities. Participation of interested researchers and policy makers from all countries is welcome.
Series organizers and Scientific Committee:
- Karol J. Borowiecki, University of Southern Denmark
- Christiane Hellmanzik, Technical University Dortmund
- John O’Hagan, Trinity College, University of Dublin
- A. E. Scorcu, University of Bologna
- R. Zanola, University of Eastern Piedmont
Deadline for presenting the abstract: 15th May 2017
Hosted by Cracow University of Economics:
Download the call for papers with full instructions: PDF, 400 Kb