EVA 2017 SAINT PETERSBURG: Electronic Imaging & the Visual Arts


Announcement on the International conference EVA 2017 SAINT PETERSBURG: Electronic Imaging & the Visual Arts, which will be held on 22-23 June 2017 at the ITMO University, Lomonosov str., bld. 9. The working language of the conference is English.


The key aim of this Event is to provide a forum for the user, supplier and scientific research communities to meet and exchange experiences, ideas and plans in the wide area of Culture & Technology. Participants receive up to date news on new international arts & information communication technologies (ICT) initiatives as well as on Projects in the visual arts field, in archaeology and history. Working Groups and new Projects are promoted. Scientific and technical demonstrations are presented.

More information: http://evaspb.ifmo.ru/en/theme

The Organizing Committee extended the submission of the abstracts (1 page) or articles (maximum 8 pages) until May 11, 2017. Abstracts or articles should be sent to the official e-mail address of the Conference (evaspbconf@gmail.com).

Instructions and paper template are located at: http://evaspb.ifmo.ru/en/paper-template

The full texts of papers included into the Conference program must be submitted before 31 may 2017. The full texts of papers will be published in the conference proceedings.

For the participation in the Conference please register on the Conference website (http://evaspb.ifmo.ru/en/registration).

To participate in the conference you are required to pay the Participation fee (http://evaspb.ifmo.ru/en/participation):

– 15000 rubles up to 31 May 2017 (course meets 250,00  Euro)

– 18000 rubles since 1 June 2017 (course meets 300,00  Euro) To pay the fee please click the link http://isaudit.ru/confer.html select the conference EVA 2017 SAINT PETERSBURG, and then follow the instructions to make payment.

Participation fee includes:

– Conference Proceedings (will be published in English by the conference opening) and the thumb drive with the materials of the conference in electronic form;

– Coffee-breaks;

– Participation in the gala buffet at the end of the Week of Information Society Technologies;

– Cultural program.


Visa Support Information (http://evaspb.ifmo.ru/en/visa-support-information):

Please note that the preparation of Invitation letter from the ITMO University takes an average from 2 weeks up to one month and that a visa at the Russian Consulate may take about 1 month. To prepare your invitation letter for Russian visa, we need to have pdf or jpg copy of your passport.

Contacts for organizational issues: evaspbconf@gmail.com


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