DPF Manager v3.2.1 released and available to download




The new version of DPF Manager is now ready to download from the PREFORMA Open Source Portal!

This update solves some bugs and includes some enhancements. This is the list of changes.

  • Rewriten table in reports section. Now it is much faster and there are no more display errors.
  • Bugfix related to the internal database when few memory is available for the virtual machine
  • Show all running tasks from GUI (not only the tasks that started after the start, but also the ones that started before and are still running)
  • Possibility to run the CLI with the java jar (which allows the user to specify custom virtual machine parameters)
  • Option -t of the command line interface is now working properly
  • New –silence and –show-report options for CLI, in order not to display info messages and open the report at the end

We would like to thank you for all the received feedback in the Github issue tracker. Your help is much appreciated!

In this release we have also been working hard on the testing and validation of the platform, and will continue doing so in the next months. A new repository has been created for this purpose, and all the possible TIFF errors have been defined and classified. This repository has been named ground truth and will be used as a tool to validate and assure the correctness of DPF Manager.


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