Call for papers on the theme “Music: Intangible Heritage?”



The peer-reviewed journal Transposition, Musique et sciences sociales opens a call for papers for its n° 8 issue, on the theme “Music: Intangible Heritage?”.

Abstracts of proposals (~1500-2500 words) in French or English should be sent by February 1, 2018, to: Articles will be expected by the end of Spring.

Transposition invites the broad spectrum of social and human sciences to take up a critical reflection on the heritagisation of music, taking the growing dissemination of the “intangible cultural heritage” paradigm as the starting point for a more general analysis of the interplay between music, heritage, and intangibility. From case studies to theoretical proposals, papers can focus on the following themes:

  1. Music and “intangible cultural heritage”: political and aesthetic issues.
  2. Musical heritage in question: history and renewals of heritage conservation practices.
  3. The tangibility and intangibility of music.

The complete call is available through this link.



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