Exhibition: “A Century of Technology”


img. The Goddard Space Flight Center control room reflected in a mirror during tests of IBM System 360 Model 75, c. 1965-1977 – Telemuseet, CC BY-SA via Europeana.

This exhibition explores different aspects of the technological revolution of the 20th century, highlighting the inventions and events that had a direct impact on habits and daily life. It focused on innovations such as travelling to space, computing and industrial automation, but it also explores how technology has invaded people’s homes and it points out how the production and use of energy has been a crucial driver of technological change.
The virtual exhibition was coordinated by Sofie Taes from KU Leuven – Photoconsortium and created in the framework of the CEF-project Europeana XX. A Century of Change” which focuses on the 20th century and its social, political and economic changes as documented in photographs, videos, paintings and files.
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