Seminar on Archives and Tourism


The City Council of Lloret de Mar, the Diputació de Girona and the Generalitat de Catalunya are promoting the realization in Lloret de Mar of a biennial seminar on “Archives and Tourism”, which should facilitate bringing the history of tourism closer to the society from multiple perspectives and in this way make known the importance of preserving and making this documentation accessible in both public and private entities around the world.

The objective of the “Archives and Tourism” Seminar is to publicize the public and private documentary funds generated around tourism and encourage their recovery, conservation and organization among the tourism sector as part of the documentary heritage of contemporary society.

The “Archives and Tourism” seminar, which will include presentations, round tables and several communications sessions, will be held in Lloret de Mar on Friday, May 24. Complementary academic activities have also been planned for Thursday 23, in the afternoon and Saturday 25, in the morning. This seminar also includes a social program with different touristic-cultural proposals.


  1. Preservation of documentary heritage, and the diffusion of documentation related to tourism.
  2. Research and study of data, documents and archives linked to tourism.
  3. Current data and information management in tourism activities and future challenges.


More information and definitive program in Archives and


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