EUreka3D Final Conference: registrations are now open


EUreka3D Final Conference


Registrations are now open for the EUreka3D Final Conference, which will take place in Girona on 13 December 2024.

The event will consist of a hybrid public conference by project partners and invited contributors, and a public onsite workshop mainly focused on 3D digitisation and cultural heritage for local cultural heritage and museum professionals.

The event will focus on sharing the project outcomes to cultural heritage professionals, digital culture professionals and researchers, and 3D digitisation and service providers. The main topics will be the methodology for 3D digitisation, the EUreka3D Data Hub, authenticity and standardisation for 3D, and the project’s four use cases.

During the final conference and the following weeks, an onsite exhibition with posters and screens will display the four 3D digitisation cases and the main project’s outcomes. The EUreka3D Final Booklet and 3D Digitisation Guidelines will be distributed to partners and attendees.

For more information, please contact


Free of charge, registration required:


Morning: Public conference 9.30 – 14 h CET (hybrid event)

  • 9.30h Welcome by Lluc Salellas (Mayor of Girona) TBC, Diego López del Río (Project Officer at HaDEA – Health and Digital Executive Agency), and Lluís-Esteve Casellas (Head of Department of Records Management, Archives and Publications at Girona City Council)
  • 9.50h Presentation about EUreka3D: scope of the project and main outcomes (Antonella Fresa – Photoconsortium)
  • 10.10h A methodology for a 3D digitisation project (Marinos Ioannides – Cyprus University of Technology)
  • 10.40h Coffee break
  • 11h The EUreka3D Data Hub, and integration of services and tools (Ignacio Lamata Martínez – EGI Foundation)
  • 11.30h Authenticity and 3D standardisation (Frederik Temmermans – imec)
  • 11.50h Q&A about previous presentations
  • 12.00h The EUreka3D case studies (by Bibracte, CUT, CRDI, Museo della Carta). Moderated by Valentina Bachi – Photoconsortium
    Impact and sustainability (John Balean – Photoconsortium)
    Reuse of 3D assets in Europeana (Jolan Wuyts – Europeana Foundation)
  • 13.20h A Raw Art 3D digitisation experience (by Generalitat de Catalunya)
  • 13.40h 3D Digitisation in Cultural Heritage: dissemination, reuse and engagement (by José Antonio Muñiz and Jordi Tura – DIGIVISION)
  • 14.00h End of the conference

Afternoon: Public Workshop 15.30 – 17.30h CET

  • Short presentation of the 3D Digitisation Guidelines and the EUreka3D Final Booklet (by David Iglésias – CRDI)
  • Public workshop on strategies for the dissemination of 3D digitisation projects. Audience: local Cultural Heritage Museums professionals. In Catalan/Spanish.
    Speakers: José Antonio Muñiz and Jordi Tura – DIGIVISION

Venue: El Modern -Audiovisual and Digital Center (Girona)


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