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2021 winners of the European Heritage Awards / Europa Nostra Awards

In 2002 the European Commission launched the Awards programme European Heritage Awards / Europa Nostra Awards which is run by Europa Nostra  and is supported by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union; the awards highlight and share heritage excellences and best practices, encourage the cross-border exchange of knowledge and connect heritage stakeholders in wider networks.
Each year, the Award winners are selected by independent juries composed of heritage experts from across Europe, upon evaluation of candidatures submitted by organisations and individuals from 30 European countries.

The 2021 winners, 24 exemplary achievements from 18 European countries, were selected in the four categories :

  • Conservation Projects

  • Research Projects

  • Dedicated Service to Heritage by Organisations & Individuals

  • Education, Training and Awareness-raising Projects

The announcement of the Award winners was made last 25th May at a live online event co-hosted by Mariya Gabriel, European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, and Hermann Parzinger, Executive President of Europa Nostra.

Furthemore, two ILUCIDARE Special Prizes will also be awarded from among the submitted applications to the European Heritage Awards / Europa Nostra Awards. The shortlisted projects will be announced on June 10 and the winners will be unveiled in the autumn of this year.

The winners of the European Heritage Awards / Europa Nostra Awards 2021 for each category:

Conservation Projects:

Research Projects:

Dedicated Service to Heritage by Organisatio Individuals:

Education, Training and Awareness-raising Projects:

Congratulations to the winners!

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