How to foster placemaking as an inspiring European co-creation process?


Trans-making is a H2020 research and innovation project leaded by Relais Culture Europe Association (France). It aims to establish a multilateral network of research and innovation staff active in the fields of placemaking/place-based art activities as a space to create alternative narratives for social, economic and democratic renewal.
The objective of the project trans-making is to strengthen research capacities, through exchange of knowledge, expertise, skills and experiences between academic and non-academic partners from Europe and Third Countries in a shared research programme focusing on: Collecting, Documenting / Exploring, Experimenting / Performing / Designing.
Trough the work programme of Research and Innovation, the project’s Consortium, composed by academic and non-academics partners, aims to foster links between art and culture, economy, democracy and innovation at EU level and beyond.  It promotes a better understanding and knowledge sharing between scientific community, stakeholders and policy-makers.
The final aim of trans-making is to establish a long term collaboration among the partners in order to have a scientific and innovative worldwide community devoted to the research, (including art-based research), innovation, education activity in the matters concerned by the project. Moreover, the proposed measures of the project will be conceived in order to have the widest possible impact of the society.
The project was supposed to end in December 2020, but due to COVID, its activity was extended  for another year. It will end in December 2021, with a final event presenting the project’s results.
To stay up to date on the project’s progress visit:


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