In May 2017 a new EC-funded project in H2020, named ROCK, has been launched by coordinator Municipality of Bologna. Supported by a large international consortium of Universities, Municipalities, Development and Consulting Groups, Dissemination Networks, SMEs and developers, and Industry Driven Associations, ROCK aims to support the transformation of historic city centres afflicted by physical decay, social conflicts and poor life quality into Creative and Sustainable Districts through shared generation of new sustainable environmental, social, economic processes.
ROCK – Regeneration and Optimization of Cultural heritage in creative and Knowledge cities – focuses on historic city centres as extraordinary laboratories to demonstrate how Cultural Heritage can be a unique and powerful engine of regeneration, sustainable development and economic growth for the whole city. Scope of the project is to develop an innovative, collaborative and systemic approach for promoting an effective regeneration and adaptive reuse in historic city centres.
ROCK will therefore implement a repertoire of successful heritage-led regeneration initiatives related to 7 Role Model selected cities: Athens, Cluj-Napoca, Eindhoven, Liverpool, Lyon, Turin and Vilnius. The replicability and effectiveness of the approach and of the related models in addressing the specific needs of historic city centres and in integrating site management plans with associated financing mechanisms will be tested in 3 Replicator Cities: Bologna, Lisbon and Skopje.
Three are the drivers of ROCK’s actions:
- Organizational and technological innovation at local level, to boost city spaces by improving safety, mitigating social conflicts, attracting visitors and tourists
- Social innovation and educational programmes to bridge generational gaps of the citizens and to value and empower the elderly population
- Innovative training solutions including incubation actions, workshops and events to stimulate business creation
More information about ROCK:

pic from the Bologna kick-off meeting