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Agorà of Polis comes back: Mobility, Cultural Heritage, Sustainable Building


The annual event organized by Polis (Polo di Innovazione delle Tecnologie per la Città Sostenibile – Innovation Pole of the Technologies for a Sustainable City) was held in the Engineering College of Siena's University on the 26th – 27th September 2013.

Two days of debate about the “Smart Specialization Strategy” general topic, structured on the three Polis themes MOBILITY (flow management and planning of the transport processes), CULTURAL HERITAGE (preservation, management and use) and SUSTAINABLE BUILDING (new building materials, energy systems): the talk was focused on technology, tourism, urban logistics, culture, storytelling, agrifood, green cities. The main Tuscan firms, experts and national and international excellences of the field took part in the event.

These were the agenda main sessions:

Thursday, 26th September 2013/Chora

9.30/10.00 AM - OPENING

10.00 AM/01.30 PM - SMART SPECIALIZATION STRATEGY: research and innovation's new generation

02.30/05.00 PM – MUSEUM IS TERRITORY, TERRITORY IS MUSEUM:  ICT museumification strategies in the storytelling era

Thursday 26th September 2013/Escathià


02.30/06.30 PM - SUSTAINABLE CITY AND URBAN LOGISTICS: Dorothy project

Friday 27th September 2013/Chora

9.30 AM/01.30 PM – SPAGHETTI START UP: new enterprises for the territory growth


Friday 27th September 2013/Escathià/Agorà – THE START Ups AFTERNOON

Following: SHINE – The Researchers Night: meeting at “Orto de' Pecci” with aperitif and much more…

In the frame of the event, the project “Europeana Photography” (European Ancient Photographic Vintage Repositories of Digitized Pictures of Historic Quality) has been represented by  Dr. Antonella Fresa of Promoter Srl. (Download the presentation here) EuropeanaPhotography is a digitisation project co-funded by the European Commission and coordinated by the University of Leuven.  The project plays a key role in ensuring that digital content related to ancient photography is accessible in Europeana. In fact, Europeana has an impressive mass of images mostly representing cultural objects while photographic images, the early ones in particular, are underrepresented. Europeana Photography will fill this gap by providing photographic masterpieces from 1839 - with the first example of images from Fox Talbot and Daguerre - to the beginning of the Second World War (1939).

For more information:

Download the full agenda here (italian language)

Download the presentation taken by Antonella Fresa here

Follow the proceedings of the Conference on the Social Network


Twitter: @polistoscana  #Agorà2013
