AIUCD 2019 – Pedagogy, teaching, and research in the age of Digital Humanities



The main topic of the AIUCD 2019 Conference is ‘Pedagogy, teaching, and research in the age of Digital Humanities’. The conference aims at reflecting on the new possibilities that the digital yields for pedagogy, teaching, and scholarly research: how will these transform teaching in the humanities? What contributions can humanistic cultural critique offer to the digital revolution? What is the connection with the digitization plan for Universities outlined by the Ministry? It also concerns the Digital Humanities as a new discipline, and this brings forward further considerations: how can the new professional figure of the digital humanist be developed? Which areas of knowledge define the Digital Humanities as a subject of study, research, and teaching? How can we recognise, classify, describe, and evaluate research efforts in the Digital Humanities?


While open to other topics related to Digital Humanities, proposals for contributions are particularly encouraged on the following:

General questions:

  • the epistemological positioning and area of knowledge of DH in relation to the systems of Academic Research Areas (Settori Scientifico-Disciplinari) and  Recruiting in Italy;
  • the positioning of DH in the European and International academic systems;
  • the evaluation of research in DH beyond traditional publications;
  • dissemination, public history, and crowdsourcing within research projects;
  • the role of inter(multi-trans-cross)-disciplinary DH research in European projects, enquiry, and teaching.

Pedagogy and teaching questions:

  • teaching DH: which models, technologies, and methods?
  • teaching the humanities in secondary schools and universities with DH tools;
  • teaching DH at the University: how is it taught today?
  • DH and media: production, dissemination, and analytical prospects
  • teaching history and DH;
  • DH and didactic strategies;
  • DH and hands-on teaching practices;
  • DH and primary source teaching;
  • Big Data methodologies and technologies in DH research and teaching.

Questions concerning research efforts:

  • statistical and quantitative research methods and their teaching applications;
  • Data Science and the role of DH in the definition of new knowledge;
  • Information science and DH:  meeting points and methodological integration;
  • cultural and social impact of humanities research with computational methodologies;
  • Semantic web technologies and linked open data in the humanities;
  • models and tools for knowledge representation in the humanities and the cultural heritage sector;
  • visualization methodologies and technologies and their significance for humanities and cultural heritage knowledge and information;
  • Natural Language Processing methodologies and applications for the humanities;
  • digitization methodologies and technologies for the production, preservation, and promotion of digital cultural heritage.

The deadline for submitting proposals is the 25th October 2018 (h. 23.59 CET).



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