Digital meets Culture
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AIUCD annual conference on digital humanities

The AIUCD (Associazione Italiana per l'Informatica Umanistica e la Cultura Digitale) annual conference, devoted to any aspect of the digital humanities, was held in Padua on 11-12 December 2013. It particularly focused on interdisciplinary work and new developments in the field and related to some specific themes:

  • Interdisciplinarity and multidisciplinarity

  • Legal and economyc issues

  • Tools and collaborative methodologies

  • Measurement and impact of collaborative methodologies

  • Sharing and collaboration methods and approaches

  • Cultural institutions and collaborative facilities

  • Infrastructures and digital libraries as collaborative environments

  • Data, resources, and technologies sharing.

The programme of the conference is available here in the official website.

Dep. Inform Engineering Padua-logoAll the submitted abstracts for which the primary author was a Master or PhD student were eligible for the AIUCD 2013 Best Student Abstract Award. 

The prize consisted in a cash prize of € 200,00 and in the possibility of the full paper publication on the AIUCD 2013 post-proceedings volume.

AIUCD is sponsored by the Department of Information Engineering of University of Padua and by CULTURA, EU Project for the development of next generation adaptive systems aimed at increasing and enhancing the use of digital humanities collections.


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