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Export date: Thu Jul 4 14:19:19 2024 / +0000 GMT

INCULTUM Pilot: Annual cleaning of the Acequia del Barranco de Poqueira

text and images courtesy of Elena Correa Jiménez (University of Granada).

On the 2nd and 3rd of April INCULTUM Pilot 1 Atiplano de Granada organized and carried out the annual cleaning of the Acequia del Barranco de Poqueira. There was the participation of about 70 people and members of the Comunidad de Regantes de la Acequia Nueva del Poqueira. The participants learned about the traditional techniques used to maintain and manage these historic irrigation systems in the Alpujarra region.
On Sunday everybody enjoyed a nice meal provided by the community.

The activity was organised by the Biocultural Archaeology Laboratory (MEMOLab), coordinated by Professor Dr. José María Martín Civantos, from the Department of Medieval History and CCTTHH of the University of Granada.

Learn more about INCULTUM Pilot 1 - Altiplano de Granada