ARCH thermal modelling workshop: future alternative land use scenarios for city of València


ARCH (Saving Cultural Heritage) is an EU-funded H2020 project focused on preserving areas of cultural heritage from the dangers and risks of climate change.
Cities always more frequently face extreme events that endanger cultural heritage and historic urban center, this project intends to develop a disaster risk management framework to assess and improve the resilience of historic areas to climate change and natural hazards.

The project will design methods, tools and models to support local authorities and practitioners, the urban population, and national and international expert communities in decision-making.
These tools and methodologies will be developed in a co-creative approach with the pilot cities of Bratislava, Camerino, Hamburg and València, involving local policy makers, practitioners and community members.

Last 27th September 2021, València ARCH project team organised the workshop: “Modelling of Thermal Regulation Ecosystem Services provided by the Huerta and Albufera in relation to the city of València.”

In the workshop, alternative land use scenarios were presented, which will be considered to assess the thermal influence of the periurban environment on València metropolitan area. The thermal modelling work carried out in ARCH was presented as well as the main results already obtained in relation to current land use in the metropolitan area.

A specific discussion concerned the description of two possible alternative land use scenarios:

  • one based on the protection and expansion of the peri-urban green and blue infrastructure, called “green” scenario, the best case.
  • the other, “grey” scenario, with an uncontrolled urban growth, the worst case.

Participants were involved in the discussion thanks to a specific web app designed to allow them to propose specific areas where potential land use changes could be considered under such what-if scenarios.


Further information about ARCH at


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