Ars Electronica keeps on its Home Delivery programme: online course in English language


In the framework of its Home Delivery initiative, the Ars Electronica Center, organized a series of online classes focused on Artistic Journalism. Starting by the reflection on the dramatic social changes caused by the Covid19 pandemic, the classes present artistic journalism as a new media, place, and system for broadly experiencing and discussing the future and new challenges.
Through its activities, Ars Electronica aims to create a dialogue with new knowledge that cannot be conveyed by books, newspapers and online media alone, and discuss how to apply this dialogue to future life and society.
The second class of this on line course, was held in English language.  Hideaki Ogawa, Futurelab director, gave visitors and viewers an insight into the creative perspective of AI with the exhibition AI x Music where historic music machines and techno robots give unique performances along with the Bösendorfer 290 Imperial piano plays special AI compositions. The lesson was also joined by Ali Nikrang of Ars Electronica Futurelab whose research involves the interaction between human and AI systems with focus on creative applications.

Find part 1 of this lecture series here: Artistic Journalism 1/3: Understanding AI
Find part 2 of this lecture series here: Artistic Journalism 2/3: AI x Music
Find part 3 of this lecture series here: Artistic Journalism 3/3: Deep Issues

Ars Electronica Center is based in Linz, Austria and it promotes interactive experiences combining art and technology. Due to the covid 19 pandemic it was obliged to suspend visits to the center.
Nevertheless it didn’t stop its initiatives and actively reacted by proposing a rich programme of cultural performances to be listened directed by home. The weekly programme includes guided tours to exhibitions, excursions to Center’s labs, concerts with real-time visualizations, Deep Space LIVE sessions, workshops with engineers and talks with artists and scientists from all over the world. None of this session is pre-recorded, most are interactive and all are LIVE!
Contact for requests, suggestions and feedback:
Link to the Ars Electronica website


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