Digital meets Culture
Export date: Sat Mar 29 9:47:49 2025 / +0000 GMT

ESACH talks! people and heritage

The ESACH (European Student's Association for Cultural Heritage) is an international network of European students and young professionals working within cultural heritage.

It was established in 2017, on the occasion of the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018, to highlight the perspective of the younger generations regarding cultural issues of European and national importance.
ESACH aims to establish enhance interdisciplinary collaboration amongst cultural heritage students, young professionals and cultural institutions through a mutual exchange of knowledge and experience beyond geopolitical boundaries.

ESACH has launched its first ESACH Talk, an interactive, very fast event, each Talk has a length of 45 minutes, and includes presentations by ESACH students and young professionals, as well as some time for discussions and comments.

The first ESACH Talk series will be held online the 6th October and will be inspired by the work of Europa Nostra; the event will explore young perspectives on the themes related to civic involvement and democratic participation in heritage matters: the citizens' roles in the preservation of heritage, youth participation, participatory management strategies and participative approaches to heritage.
Everybody can participate!

More information about the event here.
More information about ESACH here.
To register for the event here.