Author Archives: admin

MediaConch Newsletter #3 (January 2016)

Discover the new features included in the latest release of MediaConch, the forthcoming cooperation with Artefactual team to integrate MediaConch into their Archivematica software during the upcoming year, the ongoing work towards the standardization of Matroska and FFV1, and the next appointments. MediaArea is eager to build a community of collaborators and testers to participate in and use the results of the project. Continue reading

The new Roadmap poster @ “Creative reuse of cultural heritage and contemporary practices: challenges and opportunities in the digital world” International Conference, Tallinn 10-11 December 2015

This event, organized by the Estonian Ministry of Culture, in the framework of the EC funded Europeana Space project, intended to generate new perspectives for the wider re-use of cultural heritage and contemporary practices within a framework of creative experimentation and … Continue reading

veraPDF 0.8 now available

Version 0.8 is the latest release of veraPDF conformance checker for PDF/A. It features a re-designed command line interface (CLI) for validation and feature extraction. All interested users are invited to download and test the software from the PREFORMA Open Source Portal and report possible problems, issues or suggestions to the project’s GitHub issue tracker. Your feedback is important, it will contribute to improving the software. Continue reading

Cooperation between PREFORMA and BenchmarkDP

A new agreement has been signed between PREFORMA and BenchmarkDP to explore how the methodologies and approaches of BenchmarkDP could be useful in PREFORMA in establishing an objective frame of reference for the evaluation of the conformance checkers, and how the practical challenges in PREFORMA can inform the work in BenchmarkDP. The cooperation kicked-off during a workshop organised by BenchmarkDP in the framework of IPRES 2015. Continue reading

Berlin Charter – the project’s legacy

CIVIC EPISTEMOLOGIES project celebrated its end in November 2015 with the Final Conference in Berlin. As main legacy, the project, in conjunction with the RICHES project, proposed the adoption of the Berlin Charter… Continue reading

CIVIC EPISTEMOLOGIES @ Panel session at DISH 2015 Conference

The CIVIC EPISTEMOLOGIES project is continuing to be disseminated worldwide also after the end of the funding period. DISH2015 conference is a perfect place for discussing the many challenges faced by cultural institutions, and the needs they have to make strategic … Continue reading

PREFORMA Open Source Preservation Workshop – Serving the Cultural Heritage

We warmly invite you to the Open Source Preservation Workshop – Serving the Cultural Heritage. The Workshop will offer attendees the opportunity to learn how to use the conformance checkers and to meet the community which has been established around these tools. Don’t miss this opportunity to get to know us! Continue reading

Netflix’s new Spinnaker tool

Over the past year, Netflix has built a new tool for quickly and continuously deploying its latest software code to machines running in the Amazon cloud. Now it open sourced that tool, known as Spinnaker, sharing it with the world at large, so that anyone else can use it. Spinnaker is specifically designed to deploy software to not only the Amazon cloud, but to Google’s cloud as well. Continue reading

e-AGE 2015: Revealing and Harvesting Knowledge

Integrating Arab e-infrastructure in a Global Environment, e-AGE, is an annual international event organised by the Arab States Research and Education Network, ASREN. This year, the event is being held in Casablanca, Morocco, on 07-08 December 2015, under the title “Revealing and Harvesting Knowledge”. e-AGE brings together stakeholders representing regional e-Infrastructures, R&E networks and local/national/international organisations in order to discuss and debate new models for innovation, integration of R&E networks, policies for sustainable development in education, means of knowledge sharing and dissemination, capacity building programmes, region-wide e-infrastructure deployment to tackle today’s issues pertaining climate change, global economy, food, water scarcity, alternative energy and environment. Continue reading

Launched the RICHES Resources website

The RICHES Consortium launched in November 2015 a new website dedicated to the RICHES resources, where all the main outcomes of the project (reports, publications, toolkits, links, etc.) are made available for any interested users.   The results of RICHES’ … Continue reading