Author Archives: admin

Citizen Science predictions of the Digital Era

In a recent post of hers entrepreneur, citizen science advocate and author Chandra Clarke observes the last years’ developments of citizen science and makes some predictions based on the available data. Continue reading

EGI Community Forum 2015. Registration open!

The event will be held in Bari, Italy, from 09 November 2015 08:00 to 13 November 2015 18:00 (Timezone: Europe/Rome). Theme for this year’s EGI Forum is “Building Next Generation e-Infrastructures through Communities”. Continue reading

5 October 2015: HACK THE AUDIENCE!

At “Hacking Heritage: the audience”, on 5 October 2015, museum professionals present and discuss the potential benefits of working co-creatively with their audience and share lessons learned and tips. Waag Society experts will explore the opportunities co-creation provides and the challenges that come along with it. Venue: Theatrum Anatomicum of the Waag. Entrance is free. Continue reading

Corsi e workshop Imago 2015/2016

Le iscrizioni sono aperte presso Associazione Imago, via Bovio 10, Pisa ( – 328 6610814) Continue reading

RICHES: policy brief on co-creation released!

A crucial topic that is addressed and researched within the RICHES consortium is co-creation, being the practice where different stakeholders with different expertise come together collaboratively to create future-oriented perspectives, enrich cultural heritage (CH) experiences and build relations with networks that are closely invested in an institution’s collection. This paper is based on preliminary research findings, where RICHES consortium gives a short overview of the potential benefits of co-creative methods and current practices in the CH sector and offers a number of suggestions to stimulate co-creation in CH on a strategic level. Continue reading

From Digitisation to Preservation, Creative Re-use of Cultural Content and Citizen Participation

On 1st October 2015, in Granada, an unmissable event was being held, organised by Promoter SRL. The initiative, hosted by the Digital Heritage 2015 conference, is a discussion panel involving EU projects RICHES, Civic Epistemologies, E-Space, PREFORMA and the international association Photoconsortium. Continue reading

Civic Epistemologies at Digital Heritage 2015

Civic Epistemologies was presented in a panel session entitled “From Digitisation to Preservation, Creative Re-use of Cultural Content and Citizen Participation” at the DIGITAL HERITAGE 2015 conference in Granada (28 September – 2 October 2015). The panel, taking place on 1 October 2015, offered an overview of initiatives and EU projects Europeana Space, RICHES, Civic Epistemologies, PREFORMA, and Photoconsortium. Relevant speakers fostered a debate to understand the path towards a more advanced society, that makes use of the full potential of digital technologies to foster cultural and societal progress. Continue reading

Concorso fotografico Pisa oltre lo specchio

Associazione culturale Imago, in collaborazione con Laboratorio Permanente per la città, presenta il concorso fotografico a premi “Pisa oltre lo specchio: il suo fiume, i suoi canali, il suo mare”. La partecipazione al concorso è gratuita ed è aperta a tutti i fotografi, esperti e/o dilettanti di qualsiasi nazionalità. Le fotografie potranno essere consegnate a mano o spedite entro il 5 ottobre 2015 insieme alla scheda di iscrizione all’indirizzo Associazione Culturale Imago, Via G. Bovio, 10 – 56126 Pisa. Continue reading

ICA 2015 Conference

The 3rd Annual Conference of ICA (“Archives: Evidence, Security and Civil Rights Ensuring trustworthy information”) will be held on 29-29 September in the beautiful city of Reykjavik, Iceland. It will address themes that are essential for archives in modern society, the role and function of archives and their importance for individuals, governments and businesses. Continue reading

19th International Conference on Electronic Publishing

  The international conference on Electronic Publishing (ElPub) approaches its 20th anniversary. Elpub 2015, held in Valletta from 1 to 3 September, is the 19th edition of the conference and it will continue the tradition, bringing together academics, publishers, lecturers, … Continue reading