Author Archives: admin

The INCULTUM pilot as case study at the course of Tourism Science of Campus Foundation

At the beginning of October 2023, Prof. Enrica Lemmi, leader of the INCULTUM Pilot of San Pellegrino in Alpe, accompanied the students from the second year of the bachelor in Tourism Science of Campus Foundation to the location of the … Continue reading

Management of Territorial Tourism Development

As part of the INCULTUM Pilot about San Pellegrino in Alpe, in the frame of the Executive Master Management of Territorial Tourism Development organised by Fondazione Campus and Touring Club Italiano, the INCULTUM project was presented and discussed with the … Continue reading

Recovery of Alpanchía irrigation channel

As part of the INCULTUM Pilot on the Altiplano de Granada, on the next 16 and 17 December 2023, the recovery of the irrigation ditch of La Alpanchía, in Galera (Granada, Spain) will take place. The activity is organized by … Continue reading

Bibracte, a territorial interface for participatory research in the Morvan

On November 22, 23 and 24 2023, Bibracte, partner of the INCULTUM project, participated in the conference “Participatory research: knowledge and recognition” organised by the Université de Caen Normandie. Bibracte took part in the roundtable ”Bringing participatory research to life” … Continue reading

“Arts and territory” – a participatory approach

“Art and territory” is a participatory approach adopted in the pilot running in Bibracte, Morvan, in the frame of the INCULTUM project. The approach is using scientific methods and artistic practices to analyse the challenges of a shared heritage landscape. … Continue reading

Culture. Future. Goal.

The fifth UCLG Culture Summit will be held in Dublin (Republic of Ireland) from 28 November to 1 December 2023. Nancy Duxbury, Senior Researcher and Co-coordinator of the interdisciplinary thematic line Urban Cultures, Sociabilities, and Participation at the Centre for … Continue reading

RIGENERA VOLTERRA RIGENERA: public event at Palazzo dei Priori

The case study on Volterra22, conducted in the frame of the UNCHARTED project, was presented in Volterra at Palazzo dei Priori on 30 October 2023 in the Sala del Maggior Consiglio, the historical City Hall, as the presence of the … Continue reading

Portuguese INCULTUM pilot on Al-Sabîl – Revue d`Histoire, d`Archéologie et d`Architecture Maghrébines

The latest paper about the Portuguese pilot of the INCULTUM project has been published in French in the journal Al-Sabîl – Revue d`Histoire, d`Archéologie et d`Architecture Maghrébines, from the University of La Manouba in Tunisia. The articles in this special … Continue reading

GAL ELIMOS at the Jazz’Inn Festival 2023

Innovation is often born from motivated individuals, not hierarchical structures. This belief led to the creation of Jazz’Inn, a unique open innovation format introduced in 2017 by Fondazione Ampioraggio. Jazz’Inn has been at the forefront of connecting companies, public administrations, … Continue reading

New strategy for GAL ELIMOS

    In recent months, GAL ELIMOS, which stands for Local Action Group, has been working intensively on drafting the new strategy for the year 2024-2027. GALs, or Local Action Groups, are intermediary bodies that represent the collective interests of … Continue reading