Author Archives: admin

Preservation as an e-infrastructure service: a Roadmap for digital cultural heritage

The main objective of the workshop, organised at the National Central Library of Rome under the umbrella of the Italian EU Presidency, has been to provide an overview of the main outcomes achieved by the DCH-RP project, focusing on the Roadmap for Preservation of Digital Cultural Heritage and on the potential role of e-infrastructure in the preservation of DCH. Continue reading

Safeguarding our Scientific, Educational and Cultural Heritage

A joint Preservation Workshop at the RDA Plenary where attendees can provide their views and requirements to four major initiatives, APARSEN, SCIDIP-ES, EUDAT and DPHEP, which are evolving beyond the end of their respective EU-funded projects, and will continue to help organisations to manage and preserve research data. Continue reading

APA Conference – Launch of the Centre of Excellence

The 2014 APA conference launches the APA Centre of Excellence (CoE). The conference is organised around examples from members showing how they have tackled and overcome their preservation problems. The examples are further grouped around the integrated view of digital preservation which APARSEN has brought together. Continue reading

EUDAT News bullettin – September 2014

In this issue of the EUDAT news bulletin we bring you the latest updates about the EUDAT conference, which takes place at De Meervaart Conference Centre, Amsterdam from 24-25 September, as well as information about an exclusive EUDAT training session on 30 September, co-located with ISC Big Data 2014. Continue reading

PREFORMA presented at JCDL/TPDL 2014

PREFORMA project has been hosted in the DCH-RP stall at the workshop on digital preservation sustainability on the EU policy level organised in London in the frame of the JCLD/TPDL 2014 Conference. Continue reading

MoU between PREFORMA and DAVID

A Memorandum of Understanding has been signed between the two projects for the promotion and presentation of the respective results and for the organisation of joint events and activities, focusing in particular on the long term preservation of audiovisual content. Continue reading

EUDAT News bullettin – July & August 2014

Welcome to the July-August 2014 edition of the EUDAT News Bulletin! These short email bulletins are sent monthly to keep the community updated about the latest news and developments from EUDAT. Continue reading


The project will develop a Roadmap for Citizen Researchers in the age of Digital Culture. On the first two days of September, the premises of the Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico will host the CIVIC EPISTEMOLOGIES Kick-off Meeting, which brought together 12 cultural institutions and archives, universities, research centres and innovative SMEs from all over Europe. Continue reading

EGI Conference on Challenges and Solutions for Big Data Processing on Cloud

This year the aim of the EGI Autumn conference will focus on the open issues related to the efficient processing of big data towards the realization of the EGI vision of the Open Science Commons, and will feature user-orientated sessions, as well as a rich track on Cloud. Continue reading

Europeana Space – Questionnaire for the Pilots (technical requirements)