Author Archives: admin

D2.1 Overall Roadmap

PREFORMA (PREservation FORMAts for culture information/e-archives) is a Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP) project co-funded by the European Commission under its FP7-ICT Programme. The main objective of the project is to give memory institutions full control of the process for testing the … Continue reading

PREFORMA presented at the Yearly Assembly of German Museum Association

The project was presented to IT and documentation professionals in museums to familiarise the audience with the project and raise awareness that files have to be checked before being preserved. Continue reading

REMIX Summit for Culture, Tech, Entrepreneurship

The event brings together world class speakers from across industries to discover, share and explore new ways to build big ideas in the cultural and creative industries. Continue reading

DCH-RP @ CIDOC 2014 Conference

The CIDOC Conference 2014 committee has accepted the proposal to present a paper on the DCH-RP Roadmap at the CIDOC 2014 Conference in Dresden. The presentation will be given in the session Session G/1, Digital Long Term Preservation on Tuesday 9th September 2014 and the paper will be published in the conference proceedings. Continue reading

TICAL2014 Conference

The TICAL Conference is the place where the community come together, which is feed primarily with the experiences, knowledge and initiatives presented by universities, providing significant and unprecedented solutions around ICT topics for higher education institutions in all the areas of the university labor. Continue reading

TERENA Networking Conference 2014: Networking with the World

The TERENA Networking Conference (TNC) is the largest and most prestigious European research networking conference, with more than 650 participants attending this annual event. TNC brings together decision makers, managers, networking and collaboration specialists, and identity and access management experts … Continue reading

Digital preservation sustainability on the EU policy level

The main objective of the workshop was to provide an overview of solutions to challenges within Digital Preservation Sustainability developed by current and past Digital Preservation research projects. The event brought together various EU projects/initiatives to present their solutions and approaches, and to find synergies between them. Continue reading

School for Application Porting to Science Gateways

An initiative promoted by the CHAIN-REDS project to increase the number of scientific applications running on grid and cloud-based e-Infrastructures. The deadline for application proposals submission is the 31st of May 2014. Continue reading

EUDAT News bullettin – April 2014

Welcome to the April edition of the EUDAT News Bulletin! These short bulletins are issued monthly to keep the community updated about the latest news and developments from EUDAT. Continue reading

DCH-RP e-Infrastructure Concertation Workshop

The meeting represented a very good opportunity to discuss in more detail the strategy and recommendations presented in the DCH-RP roadmap for preservation and how to prepare for future cooperation. Expected outcome is a concrete and endorsed plan for the exploitation of the results from the DCH-RP Proof of Concepts. Continue reading