Author Archives: admin

Chalmers Initiative Seminar on Big Data

Everywhere we look, the quantity of data is exponentially growing, fueled by the pervasive diffusion of digitalization in modern life. The fields of science, engineering, technology and even social sciences and humanities are undergoing a profound transformation to a data … Continue reading

Europeana New Projects meeting: a growing Family.

Letterkundig Museum @ Koninklijke Bibliotheek (The Hague) hosted a meeting that has provided an opportunity for coordinators and relevant work package leaders of recently started Europeana-related projects to exchange information about their projects, identify overlaps between projects and discuss an agenda for co-operation. Europeana Space is one of these 6 projects. Continue reading


The European Commission Information Society and Media DG, with the support of TERENA and the GÉANT project are organising a workshop to discuss federated access and more in general the vision for a global authentication and authorisation infrastructure at European level also in the context of the Horizon2020. Continue reading

CULTURA: the main achievements

CULTURA Virtual Research Environment, three Cultural Heritage Collections, Personalisation, Entity Relationship Extraction, Entity Oriented Search, Text Normalization, Network Visualisations in the Drupal Module, Desktop Premapper, Web Premapper, FAST Annotation Service, Content Annotation Tool, Equalia, … Continue reading

Open Dialogue: towards a joint user model

A group of memory institutions met in Brussels to agree on the expected behavior and functionality of the tools to be developed in the coming years by the software suppliers that will be selected out of the procurement that will be launched by the project. The outcome of the workshop will be soon available on the PREFORMA website. Continue reading


ARQUEOLÓGICA 2.0 will analize both the present and future of documentation, reconstruction and computer aided render techniques, applied to archaeological heritage and culture. The main aim is to offer an updated overview about the Archaeology of XXI Century. Continue reading

EUDAT News bullettin – February 2014

Open access, open data, workshops, training events, and much more… The February edition of the EUDAT News Bulletin has been released to keep the community updated about the latest news and developments from the project. Continue reading

PREFORMA presented on Archeomatica website

Archeomatica, an Italian multidisciplinary e-magazine about new technologies and Cultural Heritage, presents PREFORMA and the related Call for Tender to its readers in an article entitled “PREFORMA: gli standard del futuro per la conservazione dei dati digitali culturali”. Continue reading

EAGLE plenary meeting in Ljubljana

On the 18th February 2014, in the beautiful premises of the National Museum of Slovenia, it was held the third plenary meeting of EAGLE project, which included a special training session for the content providers. The meeting was joined with the EAGLE Public Workshop ‘Current Practices and New Directions in Digital Epigraphy’. Continue reading