Author Archives: admin

Improved search and higher-quality metadata through terminology management

Different organisations and different languages use different terms to describe similar concepts. Incompatible terminologies impede effective searching by end users and are also an obstacle for web services that rely on consistent metadata. Linked Heritage aimed to address this challenge by standardising terminologies. Continue reading

Linking Cultural Heritage Information

Linked Heritage demonstrated the publication of Linked Data to the digital cultural heritage community, including the establishment of a linked data server which delivers our metadata as linked data triples. To identify the most effective way for the cultural heritage sector to create, manage and apply permanent identifiers. Continue reading

EAGLE takes flight

Alongside the great new logo, EAGLE have also launched their website and project tagline – ‘A digital bridge to the ancient world’. The rich, detailed and intuitive website ( contains all the information relevant to the project, including contact information, upcoming events and schedules, and a detailed description of partner institutions and their contributions. Continue reading

Authentication and Authorisation Infrastructures for Scientific Data in Europe

The goal of this study, prepared for the European Commission, is to evaluate the feasibility of delivering an integrated Authentication and Authorisation Infrastructure to help the emergence of a robust platform for access to and preservation of scientific information within a Scientific Data Infrastructure. Continue reading

All roads lead to Rome

The 3-day EUDAT conference, 28-30 October 2013 – Rome, Italy, addresses new data challenges – the case for cross-disciplinary science and services – in view of the EC’s forthcoming Horizon 2020 programme. International e-infrastructure cooperation and collaboration benefits are high on the agenda, with a particular focus on the recently launched RDA. The community-driven initiatives collaborating with EUDAT will also take an active role in the interactive discussions through associated workshops taking EUDAT synergies to new levels. Continue reading

EGI Technical Forum 2013

The EGI Technical Forum 2013 was held in Madrid at the Meliá-Castilla Hotel & Convention Centre. The event was being organised with the support of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain, the Spanish National Research Council and Red IRIS. On 18th september was scheduled a workshop on VRC Project cases with a presentation related to DCH-RP project that it was taken by R.Vanderbroucke and A. Fresa… Continue reading

eInfrastructures and Digital Libraries…
the Future

Towards an e-infrastructure for the Digital Cultural Heritage sector and the humanities research: which are the needs and the requirements of the DCH?
How can this sector benefit from the new and innovative solutions offered by the e-Infrastructures?
Experts tries to answer these question. Continue reading

Digital Preservation of cultural data @ EUDAT, Rome

The need for novel more efficient and affordable solutions for digital preservation is increasing in the Social Science and Humanities. The workshop presented the advancements in the state of the art, to understand which could be the benefits offered, in particular to the Digital Cultural Heritage sector, by the new technologies and e-infrastructures. Continue reading