Author Archives: admin

Linked Heritage project presents results

The Linked Heritage project draws to a close at the end of September 2013. Linked Heritage – with the strapline, ‘Share culture, link content’ – was a content-focused project, which aimed to bring large quantities of content into Europeana, to enhance metadata quality and to improve the search, retrieval and re-use of Europeana content. Continue reading

EAGLE to make classical European inscriptions accessible

Europeana Professional recently published an interesting article related to Eagle project, a best practice network that brings together the most prominent European institutions and archives in the field of Classical Latin and Greek epigraphy to provide Europeana with a comprehensive collection of unique historical sources which constitute a veritable pillar of European culture. Continue reading

The Paris Declaration for the progress of the Digital Cultural Heritage

The shared vision of the INDICATE network is that in ten years’ time, access and use of digital cultural heritage will be available to all and that collaboration with the e-Infrastructures community will facilitate realisation of this vision. Continue reading

Science Gateway Institute Workshop at IEEE Cluster 2013 Conference organises a Science Gateway Institute workshop co-located with IEEE Cluster 2013 Conference. Papers will be co-publishing in a special issue of Concurrency and Computation, Practice and Experience ( together with selected papers presented at the International Workshop on Science Gateways 2013 (‎). Continue reading

e-IRG’s White Paper 2013 published

A flexible and dynamic ecosystem, providing integrated services through interoperable infrastructures. It should be open and accessible, and continuously adapting to the changing requirements of research and to new technological opportunities. Continue reading

Linked Heritage presented at the Festival of Avignon

Linked Heritage project will be presented at the European encounters organised in the framework of the Festival d’Avignon, one of the major European events in the field of artistic creation which brings together a lot of professionals and cultural operators from all cultural and artistic fields. Continue reading

CULTURA at the EU Irish Presidency Conference

Ciaran Clissmann presented CULTURA as one of the projects working on innovative technologies to enable new opportunities
to preserve and access digital cultural heritage content. Continue reading

Web course on the development of applications for Catania Science Gateways

The goal of the course, organised in 4 webinars, is to create the skills to integrate scientific applications in Science Gateways implemented with the Catania Science Gateway Framework. This will allow the creation of an intercontinental team of deveopers able to respond to requests of integration of specific applications from Virtual Research Communities all around the globe. Continue reading

Geocoded Digital Cultural Content

This new book Geocoded Digital Cultural Content, edited by Franc J. Zakrajsek and Vlasta Vodeb (with a foreword curated by Antonella Fresa) focuses on Geographic location, which is a very important attribute of a cultural heritage item. The authors investigate … Continue reading


TERENA and SURFnet has organized the second VAMP workshop on September 30th & October 1st, 2013 in Helsinki, Finland. Goal of VAMP2013 was to foster the deployment of identity management and collaboration tools within the research communities. The organisers invited … Continue reading