Author Archives: admin

AdriaMuse: workshop on the Rovinj, Croatia

Content managment system of euromuse and other ways of becoming a member. Adriamuse is funded by the IPA Adriatic Cross Border Cooperation Project 2007-2013 of the European Commission and managed by the Province of Rimini, Italy Euromuse was engaged by … Continue reading

Seventh TourMIS Users’ Workshop Modul University, Vienna

International Seminar on New Media Analysis and Strategies for Tourism Marketing Organizations Organized by the European Travel Commission, European Cities Marketing & MODUL University Vienna Manfred Hackl – project coordinator of HamoSearch – will hold a keynote on “Monitoring Hotel … Continue reading

I-SEMANTICS 7th International Conference on Semantic Systems. Messecongress Graz, Austria

With more than 400 participants every year I-SEMANTICS is one of the largest conferences in Europe in the field of semantic systems and the Semantic Web. It is held concurrently with the I-KNOW Conference on Knowledge Management and Knowledge Technologies. … Continue reading

3rd Consortium Meeting Berlin

The 3rd Consortium Meeting which took place in Berlin was organized by Institute for Museum Research, State Museums of Berlin and Museumsmedien. In Berlin the first results for the first release, as well as our dissemination material was presented. Based … Continue reading

2nd Consortium Meeting Pisa, Italy

The second HarmoSearch meeting took place in the Tuscan city of Pisa. Pisa is home of the partner company CPR, one of the research partner in the HarmoSearch project. In Pisa the architecture for HarmoSearch as well as first samples … Continue reading

Enter 2011 Conference on Information Technology and Travel & Tourism, Innsbruck, Austria

ENTER2011@Innsbruck, the 18th ENTER eTourism Conference will bring together international experts in all aspects of Information and Communication Technologies in Travel and Tourism – the technologies which are changing the world of tourism and hospitality. Organized by the International Federation … Continue reading

Kick-off Meeting Vienna

The HarmoSearch project started in december with the kick-off meetig. It took place in the pre-Christmas decorated Vienna in the office of xpluso Business Solutions GmbH At the meeting were all the work items discussed and a timetable decided.

The Catania Science Gateway Framework – EGI/CHAIN-REDS/eI4Africa Webinar

The general architecture of the Catania Science Gateway Framework and some of its implementations are the subjects of this webinar which is jointly organised and supported by CHAIN-REDS, eI4Africa and EGI-InSpire projects. At the webinar attended more than 30 international experts worldwide. Continue reading

Dr. Irene Pivetti (Chairmain of Only Italia) with Prof.Vito Cappellini (Florence University) (c) Promoter srl archive
Electronic Imaging & the Visual Arts (EVA) @ Florence 2013

Florence hosted an international event that includes a Conference, Workshops, Meetings & an Exhibition. The Electronic Information, the Visual Arts and Beyond (EVA Conferences) are a series of international interdisciplinary conferences mainly in Europe, but also elsewhere in the world, for people interested in the application of information technology to the cultural and especially the visual arts field. Continue reading

Linked Heritage: Seminar on Multilingualism and Terminology

Multilingualism is crucial especially in a European context. The seminar has presented one of the achievement of the Linked Heritage Work Package 3 with the Terminology Management Platform (TMP) and brought together other European and national initiatives creating and developping multilingual terminology resources or tools for managing or reusing them. Continue reading