Author Archives: admin

Una mostra di Rudy Pessina

(italian language) Mostra fotografica di Rudy Pessina al “Vintage” di Piazza Donati (PISA). Inaugurazione Venerdi 8 Febbraio ore 19. A cura dell’Associazione Culturale Imago. Continue reading

Digital Humanities 2013

At the International Conference, the abstract “An Evaluation of the Involvement of General Users in a Cultural Heritage Collection” submitted by Cultura project has been accepted. The project will attend the meeting to present its results, including posters and short papers. Continue reading

Scanning Technologies for Heritage

Theaters scalped in new 3D digital scanning and modelling technologies is at the heart of preservation, conservation and protection of ancient structures. It is using digital technology to preserve culture and heritage. This latest publication, written and prepared by the academic staff of the Dipartimento di Storia Disegno e Restauro dell’Architettura (DiSDRA) of La Sapienza Università di Roma, is a great addition to new technology scanning using 2D and 3D modelling with a special focus on the Merida theaters. Continue reading

International Symposium on Grids and Clouds (ISGC) 2013

The International Symposium on Grids and Clouds (ISGC) 2013 will be held at Academia Sinica in the wonderful scenario of Taipei from 17-22 March 2013, with co-located events and workshops. The conference is hosted by the Academia Sinica Grid Computing … Continue reading

Mobilising Heritage Through 4 EU Projects

Jordan’s Minister of Tourism and Antiquities and Minister of Environment Nayef Hmeidi Al-Fayez launched the event in collaboration with European Delegation in Amman to disseminate the results and actions of 4 EU-supported projects in Jordan and the Euromed countries in a blustering force. Continue reading

Linked Heritage Third Plenary Meeting and WP Technical meetings

Lisbon hosts the Linked Heritage Third Plenary Meeting and WP Technical meetings. Linked Heritage is a 30 month EU project, started on 1st April 2011. The Plenary represents an interesting and useful meeting to know the state of the art of the project and to plan the activities for the next months. The meeting is organized by Instituto Superior Técnico (Portugal). Continue reading

INTERNET FESTIVAL 2012 – Shaping the Future

The future is present, October 4 to 7, 2012 in Pisa. The city is a symbol of the Italian digital age since the first degree course in computers started here in 1969, and over 50 years ago the first calculator was invented in Pisa. So it is a logical location for the 2012 edition of the Internet Festival, an important event to discover and explore the latest tendencies and developments for the future of Internet. Continue reading

Teleperformance: collaborating towards new artistic forms.

New technologies have opened new perspectives in the artistic field. Nowadays, numerous artistic and cultural projects use those technologies as tools, subjects or medium to explore and express new visions of the real and virtual worlds. One of these technologies, … Continue reading

JCDL 2012, Joint Conference on Digital Libraries

The 2012 edition of this prestigious Conference was held June 10-14 in Washington, DC, hosted by The George Washington University, and it was as usual a very valuable international forum focusing on digital libraries and associated technical, practical, organizational, and … Continue reading