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- Vila-seca, Catalonia, Spain. June 17-20, 2025
The ATLAS Annual Conference 2025 is taking place from 17 to 20 June 2025 in Vila-seca, Catalonia, organised by the ATLAS Association for Tourism and Leisure Education and Research. The theme of the event of this year is Tourist destinations … Continue reading →
- Launch of new book: Creative Tourism, Regenerative Development, and Destination Resilience
The CREATOUR Observatory delivered the new interesting book Creative Tourism, Regenerative Development, and Destination Resilience. The book draws upon the international conference, “Creative Tourism, Regenerative Development, and Destination Resilience”, which was held 8 to 10 November 2022 in the Azores, … Continue reading →
Author Archives: Claudia Pierotti

“Memory ^ sentiment ^ body ^ space ^object – Dialogues across and between dance and art” is an interdisciplinary symposium that emerged from Body Space Object Roundtables at the School of Art and Design at Coventry University. It aims to consider how performative and material practices have articulated the embodied nature of memory and sentiment in relation to objects and space. Contributions are invited, registration is open! Continue reading

The purpose of this special issue is to bring together interdisciplinary approaches that focus on the application of innovative as well as existing data matching, fusion and mining and knowledge discovery and management techniques to data derived from all areas of Humanistic Sciences. Continue reading

DCDC15 (DCDC as Discovering Collections Discovering Communities), being held at Greater Manchester on 12-13 October 2015, will look at the varied and innovative ways in which archives, museums, libraries and academia can engage with audiences in the digital age, for a more appealing user experience, the enrichment of heritage collections and new collaboration and business opportunities. Continue reading

On 25-26 March 2015, in Brussels, the Net Futures 2015 conference was held, gathering more than 1000 people with the aim to maximise the competitiveness of the European technology industry. The event formed an interconnected community involving companies, organisations and people in Research & Innovation, Market Validation & Living Lab Research, Business Development, Entrepreneurship & Enterprise Strategy, Policy Making. It is firm belieg of the organisers that by bridging the gaps between these communities, innovations will more easily and effectively find their way to the market. Continue reading

Could neurophysiological and BCI (Brain Computer Interface) tools already control our mind? And could we vice versa already build an individual virtual reality using BCI systems, able to fulfill all users’ desires? And what exactly users actually desire from them? These will be the frame questions of the Friday 24 symposium with dr Aleksander Väljamäe (NGM lab), Pavel Smetana (CIANT) and artist Ivor Diosi. Continue reading

Last month EBN welcomed ADDICT – Creative Industries Portugal, the Creative Industries Agency in Portugal. ADDICT is a non-profit association created in 2008. It currently gathers around 100 members and is recognised by the Ministry for Economy as the coordinator of the Creative Industries Cluster in Portugal. ADDICT’s mission is to foster a favourable environment for culture and creative economy to thrive, advocating the sector interests and acting as platform for knowledge and innovation. Continue reading

The report “Getting cultural heritage to work for Europe”, by the Expert Group on Cultural Heritage established under the Horizon 2020 Work Programme 2014, provides the rationale for setting a renewed European Research & Innovation policy agenda on cultural heritage. It outlines the general framework about cultural heritage in Europe and the contribution it can make towards smarter, more inclusive and more sustainable development. The report further describes recommendable actions, drawing upon successful cases where cultural heritage has been a positive driver for sustainable development. Continue reading

On 26 March 2015 PREFORMA underwent its first review, obtaining an excellent evaluation. The EC reviewers gave the consortium useful recommendations to improve the networking activities and to start planning the testing phase. Continue reading

Ultraorbism was an interactive distributed action between two networked connected spaces in two cities: Barcelona and Falmouth. The story was a linear interpretation of the first of the two books of True Story by Lucian of Samosata (a Syrian writer who lived in the second century AD), who tells an impossible journey on which everything is invented, with references to the mythology and literature of the era. Ultraorbism, a project directed by Marcel•lí Antúnez Roca, is part of the European project SPECIFI and case study of the RICHES European project’s research area. Continue reading