Author Archives: valentina.bachi

EUreka3D-XR kick-off meeting and public workshop

EUreka3D-XR – European Union’s REKonstructed content in 3D to produce XR experiences is the continuation project of EUreka3D, funded by the Digital Europe Programme of the European Union, to develop innovative re-use scenarios and tools that enable the creation of … Continue reading

Ungaretti, Il Porto Sepolto 1923. Storia di un’edizione

The Museo della Carta in Pescia holds a rich heritage of paper goods consisting of watermarked paper moulds, watermark waxes, punches, watermarked metal sheets, about 7,000 pieces, witnessing the history of paper manufacturing in Tuscany. One of the items digitized … Continue reading

A policy for PIDs in cultural collections by Europeana

In the digital transformation of the cultural heritage sector, the concept of Persistent Identifiers (PIDs) is becoming more known and used by heritage institutions to enrich their online collections and improving their discoverability, accessibility, interoperability and reusability over time and … Continue reading

EUreka3D-XR: a new project to play with XR scenarios in cultural heritage

EUreka3D-XR – European Union’s REKonstructed content in 3D to produce XR experiences EUreka3D-XR is the continuation project of EUreka3D, funded by the Digital Europe Programme of the European Union, to develop innovative re-use scenarios and tools that enable the creation … Continue reading

3D Research Challenges in Cultural Heritage V – Paradata, Metadata and Data in Digitisation

The Digital European Programme-funded project EUreka3D has ended at the close of 2024. The two-year project developed innovative technology, learning resources, and practices to support 3D cultural collections, also shared in the common European data space for cultural heritage. As … Continue reading

EUreka3D training in Girona

As a side activity of the EUreka3D Final Conference in Girona, partner CRDI organized a public workshop expressely addressed to catalan cultural institutions and other local professionals. The scope of the workshop was to provide training on 3D digitization according … Continue reading

Mongolian Students trained with EUreka3D digitization guidelines

As part of the ERASMUS+ ARTEST programme, EUreka3D partner CUT hosted four early career researchers from the Mongolian University Science and Technology and the Mongolian National University of Arts and Culture. Over the 10 day training period the exchange students … Continue reading

EUreka3D training in Nancy

On 27 November 2027, partner Bibracte together with colleagues of associate partner Archeovision organized a training meeting for demonstrating the work done in EUreka3D for the digitisation and aggregation to Europeana. In particular, the workshop presented the features and workfow … Continue reading

PRESENCE Joint Business Clinic about XR/VR experiences

The PRESENCE project aims to enhance how people interact in XR environments by developing tools that make virtual experiences feel more realistic, immersive, and engaging. PRESENCE is working in three core areas: Holoportation: We aim to improve realistic visual interactions between … Continue reading

Concept Paper “EOSC Federation: Architecture and Federating Capabilities”

The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) at its core was a catalogue of “research products”, such as datasets relating to various disciplines, and “services”, such as EGI Check-in and EGI DataHub, used in EUreka3D to operate its suite of services … Continue reading