Author Archives: valentina.bachi

Europeana Space – Questionnaire for the Pilots (commercialisation and business potential)

Following the Amsterdam pilots meeting which was very productive, CULTURELABEL provided a questionnaire for the pilots to complete, to help them address some of the issues around commercialisation and business potential and provide us with some more background info in this area. Continue reading

A joint creative workshop about digital photography

Guided by prof. Fred Truyen in his double role of Europeana Photography coordinator and Europeana Space pilot leader, the participants met in the Museum room of the Faculty of Arts at KU Leuven. This joint workshop is just a first step in a close cooperation between the two projects, Europeana Photography and Europeana Space, and a concrete action for searching new business opportunities involving digital cultural heritage. Continue reading

All Our Yesterdays, a huge success for the photographic exhibition!

The flux of visitors at Palazzo Lanfranchi was more or less continuous since the opening (11th April), but a boom of visits was registered on the 17th May during the European Night of the Museums. In this occasion the exhibition was open till midnight and almost 800 visitors crowded the vintage rooms of the palace where the photographs are hosted, in a truly charming environment. Continue reading

3rd International Research Conference on the Cultural and Creative Industries

The conference is organized by Antwerp Management School, the University of Antwerp and HKU University of the Arts (Utrecht). This conference taps in to the changing dynamics between creative industries, knowledge institutions and urban policy. Moreover, this scientific conference will address various sectors of the arts and cultural industries (performing arts and festivals, heritage, museums and visual arts, film production and distribution, book publishing, recording, broadcasting, audio-visual media and multimedia, design). Continue reading

Eva Florence 2014, dissemination

Europeana Photography was present once again to the EVA conference in Florence, held on 7 – 8 May 2014. A nice presentation by Emanuela Sesti of Fondazione Alinari highlighted to the present audience the progress of the project, and disseminated … Continue reading

EuropeanaSpace, creative & organizational meeting in Amsterdam

The first day was occupied with an interactive brainstorming session, facilitated by partner and WP4 leader iMinds, that saw 12 consortium members being busy with imagining future scenarios and visionary applications for the 6 pilots. The occasion of the meeting was also the good place to preliminary present and discuss the upcoming Opening Conference of Europeana Space, to be held in Venice in mid-October 2014 hosted by University of Venice. Continue reading

A Europeana Photography Exhibition in Sofia

The opening took place on the 15th May 2014. Among the guests was Mr. Martin Ivanov – the President’s Secretary of Culture. Mr. Dincho Krastev – CEO of NALIS – and Mrs. Katya Zografova – director of the National Museum of Literature presented the exhibition and the EuropenaPhotography project. Continue reading

EuropeanaPhotography – Survey on mapping and content delivery

Please Content Providers complete this quick survey. It will help a lot the metadata task force to organize at best the support for the next ingestion period. DEADLINE: Tuesday 13th May 2014  

An important initiative in Italy with theme “Science, Development and Employment”.

Discussion is progressing in order to implemet at best the major priority to enhance research and development, through actions aimed at fostering framework conditions where enterprises are encouraged to experiment with innovation and change. Continue reading

Europeana Space in Amsterdam: project’s meeting

Europeana Space is a very large project characterized by experimentation and creativity: in facts its main aim is to trail new ways of re-use for the digital cultural heritage, in order to unlock its potential in terms of business and creation of new jobs. An important meeting will take place in Amsterdam on 15-16 May, hosted by partner Noterik and coordinated by the WP4 leaders iMINDS and Promoter. Continue reading