Author Archives: valentina.bachi

EuropeanaPhotography Content Seminar in Belgium

April 12th – 13th were very intense days for the EuropeanaPhotography project: the partners had the possibility to shake hands each other again, to show their collections, to discuss widely and to define several, important aspects about content themes and technical indexing issues. From our correspondents. Continue reading


February 2012: Parisienne de Photography, Roger-Viollet’s parent company, joins the EuropeanaPhotography project: 30.000 images from the agency’s own collections will be digitised and contributed to Europeana within the next 3 years. Continue reading

Digitisation centre for Lithuanian Museums

Lithuanian museums caught the digitisation train rather late comparing with the rest of Europe. Therefore now they try hard to come up with it and present Europe’s audience with digital images of their collections. The coordinator of museums digitisation activities is the Lithuanian Museums’ Centre for Information, Digitisation and LIMIS (LM CID LIMIS) established as a separate department at the Lithuanian Art Museum in 2009. Continue reading

ATHENA Project for Ancient Theaters

The ATHENA Project of Ancient THeaters Enhancement for New Actualities is a Euromed initiative designed to bolster cooperation and ideas between Europe and Arab countries across the Mediterranean, in the field of ancient theater development and their relationship with civil society institutions and communities. Continue reading

Photography since its beginning

Mr. Andrea de Polo, Head of the Digital Imaging Department of Alinari 24 Ore, joins the controlled self-confidence of the businessman with a touch of human warmth that makes you feel immediately at ease. We had a pleasant talk about EuropeanaPhotography and Alinari 24 Ore. Continue reading

Cultural Heritage and Information Technologies. Museum as an information system

The annual conference ADIT that has been held since 1997 is one of the key All-Russian activities on promotion of information technologies among museums and other cultural institutions that facilitates the development of museums and exchange of regional experience. Continue reading

Europeana Photography KICK-OFF MEETING

A freezing cold Firenze welcomed with northern winds and a couple of snowflakes the beginning of EuropeanaPhotography project.19 partners represented each by one or two persons, from 11 EU countries plus the Commission Project Officer Mr. Krister Olson from Sweden met at Alinari’s picturesque library to sum up and plan the EuropeanaPhotography project during a very friendly and motivated kick-off meeting. Continue reading


Situ Xiaochun, art consultant of digitalmeetsculture and member of NIO art studio is exceptionally telling about himself and his concept of art in an interesting paper about digital creation. Continue reading


More than 35 Museums in Israel merged into a project for enhancing Israel Cultural Heritage through digital technologies on the model of some European best practice as Europeana and Linked Heritage. Continue reading