Author Archives: valentina.bachi

INCULTUM Policy Brief on Sustainable Tourism

One of the research areas of INCULTUM project focuses on developing policy recommendations that supports innovative and participative approaches to a community-led and sustainable tourism development in rural or marginal territories. The activity on policies overall is led by experts … Continue reading

The Renaissance of Romani Re-presentation

img. (cropped): Back To The Future! Safe European Home 1938, Damian Le Bas, Kai Dikhas Foundation / ERIAC, In Copyright – Educational Use Permitted. This exhibition, jointly curated by WEAVE Editorial Team with invaluable contribution by guest author Dr Adrian … Continue reading

WEAVE blogpost: Castellers, Catalonia’s human towers

img: Festa de la Mercè a Barcelona di Duran Fígols, Oriol – CRDI / Girona City Council – CC BY-NC-ND. Castells are human constructions, six to ten people high, that can occasionally be spotted in cities and town squares in … Continue reading

The 80s in 80 shots – photographic exhibition

On Friday 23 September at the Museo della Grafica of Palazzo Lanfranchi in Pisa, the exhibition “The 80s in 80 shots” will be inaugurated, and will be on display until 10 October 2022. This is a collection of 20 photographic … Continue reading

‘We Carry It With Us’: The impact of childhood bullying on adult life

by Jeremy Abrahams, Rosa Cisneros and Terezia Rostas Jeremy Abrahams is a Sheffield-based photographer whose work is predominantly environmental portraiture and documentary, and focusses on positive representations of migration and related issues. Since becoming a professional photographer in 2014 he … Continue reading

INCULTUM at WEAVE Final Conference

WEAVE – Widen European Access to cultural communities Via Europeana is a Europeana project funded by the CEF Programme of the EU and is part of the INCULTUM network. Focus of the project is on enhancing European access to intangible … Continue reading

INCULTUM Pilot: collaboration agreements established in Altiplano de Granada

text and images courtesy of Elena Correa Jiménez (University of Granada). On 6 September, the first signing took place of the first collaboration agreements between Cáñar Irrigation Communities and Cáñar Town Councils that the INCULTUM Pilot coordinated by the University … Continue reading

WEAVE final conference, recordings and presentations available

Hosted by CRDI in Girona at Centre Cultural La Mercè, the WEAVE project organized on 16th September 2022 its final conference, which explored the connections between tangible and intangible heritage, cultural communities and the process of digital transformation of cultural … Continue reading

WEAVE blogpost: A taste of terroir?

img: Fishermen in Lorient (France) by J. Hersleven, Jacques – Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage, Belgium – CC BY-NC-SA. The cultural connection between heritage and food has gradually gained visibility over the last decades. Read the blog published by the … Continue reading