Author Archives: valentina.bachi

Heritage-led rural regeneration: best practices & participatory processes.

The webinar presents the result of the analysis of the data gathered from 20 Role Models (RM) case studies regarding their successful heritage-led rural regeneration models. For the study and comparison of the narratives of these Role Models two tools … Continue reading

A performance to tell the stories of the village of San Pellegrino in Alpe (Tuscany)

One of the Pilots of the INCULTUM project, aiming and empowering sustainable cultural tourism in peripheral areas with communities engagement, is coordinated by the University of Pisa and is set in the beautiful landscape of the Garfagnana in Tuscany. Crowned … Continue reading

WEAVE in Pisa: project meeting and dissemination

On the occasion of the CitizenHeritage conference “The role of photographic heritage in empowering communities’ participation in cultural heritage” organized by Photoconsortium, a number of WEAVE partners convened in Pisa for two intense days. On the first day, a partners … Continue reading

INCULTUM in Pisa: project’s dissemination

On 28 June in Pisa, INCULTUM was part of the CitizenHeritage conference “The role of photographic heritage in empowering communities’ participation in cultural heritage” organized by Photoconsortium in colaboration with the Museo della Grafica of University of Pisa. The conference … Continue reading

LIBEReFORME – exhibition of artistic books

LIBEReFORME Libri d’artista al Museo della Carta di Pescia This exhibition showcases 18 rare and artistic books from various Italian artists: Marco Bagnoli, Stefania Balocco, Gianluigi Balsebre, Paola Carrara, Sonia Costantini, Fabio Cresci, Andrea Granchi, Riccardo Guarneri, Francesco Landucci, Gianni … Continue reading

RURALIZATION and INCULTUM establish collaboration

 Dreaming of an escape to the country? Rural living in Europe is currently on the decline, but why? What tools and dynamic approaches are needed in rural areas to stimulate innovation and create opportunities for newcomers and established communities … Continue reading

WEAVE works for metadata curation of community and minority collections

images courtesy Digital collections of various types of heritage are an immense resource for knowledge sharing, and Europeana is the EU flagship initiative to make this common heritage accessible to any type of users. Europeana and its network of … Continue reading

IN LOCO and INCULTUM join forces for enabling participative approaches in local development

IN LOCO is an Association, very active in Portugal to support local development. IN LOCO in facts aims to promote local-based development with a view to improving the quality of life in its multiple dimensions, also seeing local development as … Continue reading

Cultural Policy Group of KU Leuven launches Roma Genius Project in collaboration with WEAVE

RomaGenius is an annotation tool designed by four students from the Cultural Studies Master’s program at KU Leuven University. As part of their Cultural Policy course, they collaborated with the Weave/Europeana project and made their contribution by creating a platform … Continue reading

Erasmus+ project Share your Culture enables collaborations between schools in Lithuania, Turkey and Greece

text and all images courtesy of the project Share your Culture. Erasmus+ project activities carried out by three partner countries have started. The project carried out by Lithuania, Turkey and Greece is called “Share your culture”. The first virtual meeting … Continue reading