Author Archives: valentina.bachi

Sculpture of Life, conference and memorial service to Situ Zhaoguang

text by Elisa Debernardi, photos courtesy of Situ Zhixia. On November 24, the “Sculpture of Life”- Mr. Situ Zhaoguang’s memorial service was held in the exhibition hall of the CAFA Art Museum, where until Dicember 12, 2021, will be host … Continue reading

WEAVE at the first Roma Women’s Gathering hosted at the UK

text and image by Rosa Cisneros. In 2018 the Drom Kotar Mestipen (DKM) organised a Roma Women’s Congress in Barcelona,  Spain. Rosa Cisneros (C-DaRE) at the time was the Catalan Government’s Roma women’s consultant and leading on the political entities strand … Continue reading

Capacity building workshop for WEAVE project

Organized by partner Europeana and coordinated by Sebastiaan ter Burg, a workshop based on the Europeana Capacity Building playbook took place for the WEAVE project on 25th November. The methodology is designed to support organizations and projects in creating a … Continue reading

WEAVE Labday about Portuguese intangible heritage

This LabDay from the WEAVE series is dedicated to engage communities in South Portugal to re-discover intangible heritage practices linked to traditional dance. The workshop, organized by partner PédeXumbo, takes place in the framework of the annual Festival Desdobra-te, a … Continue reading

WEAVE goes to ILUCIDARE Playground

ILUCIDARE is a European funded project which promotes heritage as a resource of innovation and international cooperation. Its ambitions are to establish an international network promoting heritage and contributing to the overall objectives of the EU strategy for international cultural … Continue reading

Open consultation sessions on Digital Transformation

Do you want to help shape the thinking on how the cultural sector embraces Digital Transformation? Do you have your own views about the challenges and opportunities digital brings? Can you help us shape our plan of action?  We would … Continue reading

INCULTUM presented at Europeana 2021

The Europeana conference is the annual flagship event in the sector of digital cultural heritage. The Europeana 2021: Recover, Rebuild, Grow took place online in November, with 70% of the programme – over 30 sessions – co-created with cultural heritage … Continue reading

Driving engagement – participatory approaches to digital cultural heritage

Under the Slovenian Presidency of the Council it is announced the Europeana conference ‘Driving engagement – participatory approaches to digital cultural heritage’ on 2 and 3 December. The conference is mainly aimed at digital cultural policy makers from EU member … Continue reading

“Come bianche farfalle”: visual imagery of tennis

This conference illustrates and discusses about the various motifs of visual heritage linked to tennis, which entered culture since the end of 1800 until modern times. A fine selection of paintings, sculptures and prints will support the talk, showcasing the … Continue reading

Castellers in the World: discovering a tradition that is also Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity

In the framework of the WEAVE LabDay series, an online event hosted by CRDI, the Centre for Image Research and Diffusion in Girona, will present the tradition of castellers. CRDI owns a large Image Archive that holds a wealth of … Continue reading