Author Archives: valentina.bachi

INCULTUM project meeting showed first progress

On 28th October, at M6 of the INCULTUM project, a virtual gathering saw all the project’s partners meet and discuss the progress of the various activities, at project level and also at the level of Pilots’ individual work. The most … Continue reading

INCULTUM in Portugal: launching the Pilot to promote Campina de Faro area

The University of Algarve’s research team started the INCULTUM Pilot in south Portugal by holding, in Faro on 11th May 2021, a Seminar on “Cultural Landscape, Hydraulic Heritage and Sustainable Development”. Aimed at engaging the academic community, other stakeholders, and … Continue reading

WEAVE presented at Europeana Aggregators Forum

The Europeana Aggregators Forum is the network of national, thematic and domain aggregators: organizations which enable cultural heritage institutions to share their content with Europeana and open it up to new audiences. Twice a year all of them meet to … Continue reading

WEAVE Labday: Mastros Tradicionais, a cultural practice from Odemira (Portugal)

This LabDay from the WEAVE series is dedicated to engage communities in South Portugal, and is composed of various cultural heritage activities, all linked to the practice of Mastros Tradicionais, a cultural practice from Odemira (Portugal). The LabDay is coordinated … Continue reading

Safeguarding Our Romani Language, online conference

On November 5, the World Day of Romani Language, the European Roma Institute for Arts and Culture (ERIAC) is organizing the Second International Conference “Safeguarding Our Romani Language”, in partnership with the Council of Europe and the University of Graz. The conference is … Continue reading

INCULTUM: promotion and enhancement of the village of San Pellegrino in Alpe (Tuscany)

photo courtesy of University of Pisa. One of the Pilots of the INCULTUM project, aiming and empowering sustainable cultural tourism in peripheral areas with communities engagement, is coordinated by the University of Pisa and is set in the beautiful landscape … Continue reading

The great potential of the online museum shop

by Emmy van Arent and Trilce Navarrete (Erasmus University Rotterdam). The COVID-19 pandemic forced museums to close their doors, limiting the dialogue with the public and severely reducing the revenue that is normally generated from ticket sales. Museums responded by … Continue reading

WEAVE collaborates with INCULTUM

Local communites are fundamental for engagement with their heritage and territorial resources: this is a key aspect that project INCULTUM, focused on sustainable tourism, wants to explore so to unlock the potential of development of rural and peripheral areas in … Continue reading

Interactive map of the Aoos valley developed in INCULTUM

In INCULTUM project, there is an example of cross-borders pilots which try to explore synergies to support sustainable tourism in peripheral areas. One of these areas is the shared valley between Greece and Albania, marked by a river named Aoos … Continue reading

WEAVE presented at Europeana Generic Services projects meeting

This invite-only event brings together representatives of all running and new Generic Services projects, the funding agency European Health and Digital Executive Agency – HaDEA, and the European Commission. WEAVE project was presented on day 1 the 11th October with … Continue reading