Author Archives: valentina.bachi

The curation of Chinese cultural heritage in Europeana

This Workshop is organized by the PAGODE – Europeana China project team at the Department of Asian Studies, University of Ljubljana. Its aim was to set the common ground for the curation of Chinese cultural heritage in the Europeana Digital … Continue reading

Public Domain and misuse: some thoughts

image: Rank Badge with Leopard, Wave and Sun Motifs, China, Qing dynasty (1644–1911), late 18th century, silk and metallic thread, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 30.75.1025. Being so deeply embedded in the Europeana ecosystem, the new CEF project PAGODE – Europeana China (2020-2021) … Continue reading

PAGODE – Europeana China

Co-financed by the European Union under the CEF Connecting Europe Facility Programme, PAGODE wants to contribute to generating rich user experience and high audience engagement with Europeana, the European digital library, by proposing a thematic approach in the aggregation, curation … Continue reading

SWIB (Semantic Web In Libraries) on EuropeanaTech

img.: Schematic depiction of a knowledge graph in the performing arts domain;  from the paper by Julia Beck, Frankfurt University Library, CC0. The SWIB (Semantic Web in Libraries) annual conference is one of the essential events related to Linked Open … Continue reading

Magnetic Tape Alert Project: mapping archives that are in danger

Today’s knowledge of the linguistic and cultural diversity of humanity is widely based on magnetic tape recordings produced over the past 60 years. Magnetic audio and video tape formats are now obsolete. Spare parts supply and service is fading, replay … Continue reading

PAGODE at Europeana Aggregators Forum

The Europeana Aggregators Forum is the gathering where twice a year the community of Europeana most trusted partners meets to review strategies and collaborations, and make plans for the future. All the aggregators work with cultural heritage institutions to gather … Continue reading

Special Webinar on Digital Cultural Heritage

To commemorate this year’s Europe Day organised on the 9th of May a webinar dedicated to Digital Cultural Heritage is being organised. This webinar brings together two of the smallest island nations of the EU – Malta and Cyprus. These are the only EU members in the Mediterranean sea, … Continue reading

The Best in Heritage goes digital!

Estimating realistically the consequences of a long pandemic, the gathering event in Dubrovnik comprising the conference and the awards will not take place this year, but the 2020 edition of The Best in Heritage is planned, delivering the annual overview … Continue reading

Video Art Miden: video art online!

Video Art Miden collaborates with the 1st Painting Studio of Athens School of Fine Arts, participating in this year’s academic project under the theme “ARTificial Intelligence“. In this frame, Video Art Miden prepared a special video art program to be viewed by the students of … Continue reading

NEW! Europeana portal updated for a fresh experience!

After much work on improving the beta version, the updated Europeana collections website is now live and available. VISIT! As the Executive Director Harry Verwayen just said “We now feel confident that we are releasing a much-improved website that … Continue reading