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Be.CULTOUR webinar: Community-led and innovative entrepreneurship for circular cultural tourism

The Be.CULTOUR project, focused on enhancing cultural heritage and landscape values for sustainable cultural tourism, is launching a new series of webinars to boost peer learning among its Community of Interest and other followers. Given that Be.CULTOUR and INCULTUM established a cooperation agreement for cross-dissemination and knowledge exchange, the webinar series is promoted also via the INCULTUM channels and and in the INCULTUM network.

Various experts and on-field stakeholders are invited to present and discuss their innovative ideas, their progress and their challenges concerning cultural tourism and beyond. In this webinar, INCULTUM cases will be presented by the Network and Dissemination manager Antonella Fresa.

Webinar 5: Community-led and innovative entrepreneurship for circular cultural tourism - 23 June 2023

  • 14.00-14.05 Antonia Gravagnuolo | CNR Institute of Heritage Science Welcome and introduction

  • 14:05-14.20 Eva Leemet | CEO of Loov Eesti - Creative Estonia

  • 14:20-14:35 Antonella Fresa | Promoter s.r.l., Communication and Dissemination manager at INCULTUM project

  • 14:35-14:40 Break

  • 14:40-14:55 Anna Salvagio | Vice president and experience manager of the Diffused Museum of 5 Senses of Sciacca, First Prize ECTN Award 2022

  • 14:55-15:10 Antonio Della Corte | “La Paranza” Cooperative, Catacombs of San Gennaro, Naples

  • 15:10-15:20 Hanna Szemző | Metropolitan Research Institute

  • 15:20-15:30 Q&A and concluding remarks

The webinar will address the challenges and opportunities of community-led entrepreneurship for circular cultural tourism. By sharing experiences of projects and initiatives operating in European regions, it will discuss the great potential of less-know and peripheral destinations in which cultural assets and local resources are co-managed by communities and stakeholders. Through the case studies, we will reflect on how engaging community capacity for collective care of cultural heritage could represent a key driver in fostering innovative entrepreneurship and sustainable social, cultural, and economic development.

Registration is accessible from

The list of all other topics addressed includes:

  • Understanding the European value of cultural heritage: Power of networks - 24 March 2023

  • Innovative solutions for circular cultural tourism - 21 April 2023

  • Values-based innovative marketing for less-known cultural tourism destinations - 15 May 2023

  • Community-led and innovative entrepreneurship for circular cultural tourism - 23 June 2023

  • Creative tourism and the role of arts, interpretation and storytelling - September 2023

  • Circular economy implementation in the tourism sector - October 2023

  • Innovative finance for circular cultural tourism - November 2023

  • Smart data management for circular cultural tourism assessment and monitoring - December 2023

Relevant information will be published in due time on the website of the project here.

Be.CULTOUR stands for “Beyond CULtural TOURism: heritage innovation networks as drivers of Europeanisation towards a human-centred and circular tourism economy”. It expresses the goal to move beyond tourism through a longer-term human-centred development perspective, enhancing cultural heritage and landscape values.

Read more about the project in the official website: