Digital meets Culture
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Beijing Media Art Biennale (BMAB) 2019: “Post Life”

beijing 2018

The 2nd Beijing Media Art Biennale (BMAB) in 2018 is running September 5 to 24 at CAFA Art Museum. BMAB is funded by China National Art Fund, organized by China Academy of Fine Arts and co-sponsored by the CAFA School of Design ,the CAFA School of Experimental Art, and CAFA Art Museum. As an international academic platform aimed at promoting the intersection of art and technology, the 2018 BMAB is centered on the theme of “Post Life” and comprises six parts: the main exhibition, Lab Space, Hyperlinks Exhibition, live performances, thematic forums, and workshops. The event will also include interdisciplinary experiments in the art and technology fields, with an aim to facilitate in-depth discussions between artists, designers, scientists, and theorists.

If the topic Ethics of Technology last year discussed what we should contemplate and introspect at the epistemological level under the pressing and disturbing mystery of New Theology of Technology, the theme of Post-Life covered in the Biennial this year will explore not only at the epistemological level but also discuss whether we, as post-life, when prompted by new technology to revalue the relationship between ourselves and other species. Do we have the courage to decentralize ourselves?

So Kanno, Takahiro Yamaguchi - Senseless Drawing Bot

So Kanno, Takahiro Yamaguchi - Senseless Drawing Bot

The main exhibition comprises three parts: “Data Life”, “Mechanical Life”, and “Synthesized Life”; all focused on trying to determine what life is as seen from the different points of view of: virtual life brought into existence by computer algorithms, bionic life brought into existence by machinery, and hard-to-define synthetic life. The exhibits will belong to categories such as videos, interactive installations, immersive art, biological art, mechanical installations, audiovisual art, Internet art, sound art, mixed media, and others.

As another section in BMAB2018—the “Art and Technology” Lab Space, which aims to build a platform where artistic creation and cutting-edge Science and Technology Studies can exchange ideas and cooperate. It is also set to introduce research topics and practices by interdisciplinary research laboratories across the world that related to the theme of “Post Life” and present the accomplishments on future life realized on the basis of interdisciplinary cooperation.
