Digital meets Culture
Export date: Wed Jul 3 5:21:20 2024 / +0000 GMT

Call of Interest for Role Models launched by RURITAGE Project

CatturaRURITAGE (Rural regeneration through systemic heritage-led strategies) is a four-year EU-funded project under the Horizon 2020 programme. Started in June 2018, RURITAGE aims at transforming rural areas in sustainable development demonstration ‘laboratories', through the enhancement of their unique Cultural and Natural Heritage potential.
In particular RURITAGE will:
- Increase knowledge about successful practices of heritage-led rural regeneration and provide tools making successful practices and solutions available and replicable.
- Identify the financial resources needed to preserve cultural heritage in rural areas, and promote the engagement of rural communities in the decision-making processes
- Enhance awareness on exploitation possibilities in Cultural and Natural Heritage sector in rural areas, providing roadmaps for the long-term sustainability of heritage-led regeneration strategies.
To do so, at first RURITAGE involved in the project 13 successful cases (Role Models) in much diversified contexts and is now in the process of analysing their good practices. To build a larger evidence base and a highly transferable approach, RURITAGE launches this call for interest for additional Role Models beyond the 13 already involved in the project.
Additional Role Models selected following this call will have the great opportunity to see their good practices promoted by RURITAGE and to share their experiences with the other Role Models and knowledge experts enabling the subsequent enhancement of the good practice in their own rural territory.
Link to RURITAGE project webpage:
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