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Cloud Forward Conference 2016



Following the successful CF2015 conference organised by Promoter srl in Pisa October 2015, the Cloud Forward 2016 Conference: From Distributed to Complete Computing took place in Madrid at the Circulo de Bellas Artes from 18 to 20 October 2016.


>> Check out the full programme and the confirmed speakers. <<


The CF2016 Conference gathered experts from industry and academia to present and discuss the future of and beyond Cloud Computing.  Based on the HOLA Cloud project and platform - which documents European research, development and innovation in CLOUDs – the conference reviewed experiences and discusses future directions to overcome problems and provide new opportunities for the utilisation of leading edge CLOUD Computing by industry and academia and for ICT developers providing innovative solutions.

The conference provided the scientific community a dedicated setting for presenting and discussing innovative technologies in the area of distributed computing, as well as new technologies beyond CLOUDs, ranging from architectures over methodologies to new applications and services.

Integral to the conference, the work of the clusters of experts and EC projects working on ‘beyond current CLOUD' topics was presented.

The event also hosted a dedicated SME event to investigate innovative technologies, promote business ideas and foster current game-changers arising on the market.

CF2016 was organised under the auspices of AMETIC, CDTI, Chamber of Commerce, EGI, Madrid+d, UNED and IEEE Cloud Computing Magazine.

For further information, visit the event website:


CF2016 website:


Twitter: @HolaCloud #cloudforward2016