This conference welcomes papers that present, discuss, and reflect upon the technical, social, and institutional challenges that experts and researchers in the field of digital heritage encounter when enriching heterogeneous digitized collections with context.
Thematic scope of the conference:
Many handwritten archives and collections of physical objects in the realms of natural history, archaeology, history, art history and science entail combinations of textual and visual elements whose interpretation requires a range of different expertise and computational technologies.
In recent years, libraries, archives and museums have spent major efforts on annotating and enriching their digitized collections with contextual information, in order to make them retrievable and interlinked in novel ways. Often institutions aim to enhance their reach and relevance for broader user groups. A major challenge in the field is the heterogeneous character of many such digital archives and collections.
The conference has twofold scopes:
- To officially concludes the NWO/Brill Creative Industries Project Making Sense of Illustrated Handwritten Archives and presents the results of finished and original research in the field of digitized archives and natural and cultural heritage collections.
- To promote exchange and discussion between researchers and heritage professionals in the field of digital natural and cultural heritage.
It is addressed to all experts in the field of:
- Digital Humanities
- Digital, Cultural and Natural Heritage
- Digital Collection and Archives Curation
- Semantic Data Integration
Six to eight papers presented at the conference are expected to be selected for publication in the ACM Journal of Computing and Cultural Heritage (JOCCH)
Submit your paper and join the conference! Collect & Connect will take place fully online. Registration will open later this month.
For more details see:
Full call for papers
Website international conference Collect & Connect: Archives and Collections in a Digital Age.
Project Making Sense of Illustrated Handwritten Archives
Follow Naturalis Biodiversity Center on Twitter for updates on the conference.
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