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Connecting the Data Dots: the Research Data Alliance (RDA) 5th Plenar



adoption_rdaIt's all about Adoption at the RDA Fifth Plenary Meeting, San Diego, US 9-11 March 2015

“The so called data revolution this isn't just about the volume of scientific data; rather, it reflects a fundamental change in the way science is conducted, who does it, who pays for it and who benefits from it. And most importantly, the rising capacity to share all this data – electronically, efficiently, across borders and disciplines – magnifies the impact.” The Data Harvest: How sharing research data can yield knowledge, jobs and growth (

The Research Data Alliance (RDA - rises to this challenge providing concrete solutions to address some of today's many, many data challenges. In less than 2 years since its launch RDA has already published tangible outputs all aiming to achieve seamless interoperability, trust and ultimately to provide growth & employment opportunities:

  1. Data Foundation & Terminology with a simple unifying data model facilitating interoperability

  2. Data Type Registry with a registry of data types to facilitate their usage

  3. PID Information Types with a generic interface for PID service providers and users and a harmonized category set

  4. Practical Policies with best practices for a wide number of automatized data management and processing policies

The RDA Fifth Plenary is taking place in San Diego, US from 9th – 11th March 2015 and is open to RDA members and the public, particularly individuals that share the core values of creating the building blocks of common data infrastructures that can bridge disciplinary activities under a community-driven and non-profit model. Data experts, scientists, researchers and other professionals are encouraged to attend, as well as students and early career professionals in industries related to the fields of research data sharing and exchange.

Adoption Day on 8th March will focus on the current RDA outputs and will see practical examples of European & US adoption. From the European grouping, European Collaborative Data Infrastructure (EUDAT -, Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure (CLARIN - and the German Climate Computing Center (Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum – DKRZ - are all implementing RDA outputs.

The Large-scale data projects session immediately after Adoption Day (8th March) will address how to advance the goals of RDA Output take up by following up with the tool developers and the researchers in the larger context of large data facilities and projects and identify additional uptake and dissemination possibilities from the side of the data projects with invited speakers from large impact projects in around the world. Interested parties are invited to submit a paper by February 8th