Digital meets Culture
Export date: Wed Jul 17 14:44:14 2024 / +0000 GMT

CRe-AM final event / ICT & Creative Industries in Europe: current trends and future policies

LOGO_CRe-AM3The event will present CRe-AM's roadmapping work and results. The day will be divided into two parts to present the main outcomes of the CRe-AM project and to allow networking among participants. The morning plenary session will present roadmaps for each creative sector tackled by the project (Art, Architecture, Design, ePublishing & Media, Games) and discuss future avenues with key experts.

The second part of the event will allow all participants to express their opinion for a collaborative thinking exercise taking the shape of a World Café workshop and encouraging exchanges on all the sectors studied during the lifetime of the CRe-AM project.

You will find the registration and the event agenda at a glance on the CRe-AM website.


The CRe-AM project aimed at bridging communities of creators with communities of technology providers and innovators, in a collective roadmapping effort to streamline, coordinate and amplify collaborative work. This was achieved through research processes implying the creation and publication of many supporting documents, such as Trends & Weak Signals or Gap Analyses, leading to the project final Roadmaps both on a sectorial (Art, Design, Media & E-Publishing, Games and Architecture) and a cross-disciplinary bases.