Cultural Heritage in Action event: sharing solutions in European cities and regions


On 8 December, Cultural Heritage in Action will hold an online event to present the work of the project so far and introduce future activities.

Cultural Heritage in Action is one of the actions of the European Framework for Action on Cultural Heritage of the European Commission.
Funded under the Creative Europe programme of the EU, it assumes that cultural heritage is a key resource for the future of Europe and the sustainable development of cities and regions. Its aim is to strengthen cultural policies and initiatives and develop innovative solutions to preserve heritage.
The project has focused so far on three topics:

  • participatory governance of cultural heritage;
  • adaptive reuse of built heritage;
  • quality of interventions on cultural heritage.

The objectives of the online event are to share the results of the first phase of the project, in particular to preset what has been learned from the representatives of European cities and regions about the power of cultural heritage for local and regional development and raise awareness on future peer-learning opportunities.
A reflection will also be made on the post-pandemic situation and its impacts on cultural heritage.

Details on the programme and to register are available at the links:
Cultural Heritage in Action online event – Dec 08
Cultural Heritage in Action: online event. | Cultural Heritage In Action

More information on Cultural Heritage in Action:
Funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union, it is the EU peer-learning programme for local and regional policy-makers and practitioners to exchange knowledge and experience on cultural heritage. It is managed by a Consortium led by EUROCITIES with Europa Nostra, KEA, ERRIN and Architects’ Council of Europe.


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