Digital meets Culture
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CultureMoves MOOC “Creating a Digital Cultural Heritage Community”

The MOOC “Creating a Digital Cultural Heritage Community” is now open for registrations. Here students can learn more about how to create a community for digital cultural heritage through innovative practices for user engagement:

Developed in collaboration with the Kaleidoscope project, the MOOC will last for 8 weeks, with learners being able to join at any point and go through the coursework at their own pace, choosing and picking the modules they are most interested in, choosing either a dance or photography-focussed pathway, to explore digital curation and annotation.

The CultureMoves team have written a series of dance-specific modules for the MOOC exploring Cultural Heritage; Intangible Cultural Heritage and Annotation; Dance and Site; Im/material Cultural Heritage – Costumes, Masks and Museums; as well as a Historical Dance Module, developed in collaboration with Early Dance Circle  and Chalemie (UK), with guest tutors Barbara Segal and Sharon Butler. These modules offer a series of activities for learners at different stages, ranging from undergraduates to PGR students, to showcase and encourage uptake of the CultureMoves tools. Learners will be encouraged to critically engage with and discuss the intersections between culture, dance, tourism and digital technologies, with a particular focus on dance in unconventional spaces and in relation to touristic landmarks. Reading lists and links to other tools, materials and resources are also available. Assignments will include philosophical and theoretical discussions, practical questions and tasks, reviews to check learning and a discussion forum.