Digital meets Culture Export date: Mon Mar 31 21:07:38 2025 / +0000 GMT |
CYFEST-12: ID international media art festival![]() Video Media Art: Personal Identity CYFEST-12: ID premieres December 13th at the renowned Made in NY Media Center BY IFP. The inaugural event will set in motion it's year-long, multi-city festival; geared towards exhibiting new media work which explores the dynamics of identity in our ever-expanding digital culture; focusing on levels of tech:intimacy, self augmentation, identity health, and technological personas at large. ![]() Marisa-Benito_Ductiles CYFEST has joined forces with Rome-based curator Valentino Catricalà, of Rome Media Art Festival (MAXXI Museum), and Carla Gannis, Assistant Chairperson of Digital Arts at Pratt, to bring a thematic three-part video program to IFP. The video art program will include a video screening organized by Cyland's video curator, Victoria Ilyushkina, a large scale multi-channel video installation by esteemed video artist, Daniele Puppi, and a video installation created by Pratt Digital Arts MFA students. Made in NY Media Center by IFP 30 John Street DUMBO, Brooklyn, NY 11201 Thursday, December 13th 6pm- 10pm On view: December 13th -31st ![]() Joe-Hambleton-_stasis_in_flux CYFEST-12: ID. THE INTERNATIONAL MEDIA ART FESTIVAL Portrait genre at birth was a way to depict a person in a best moment of his life — at the apogee of his maturity, power, deeds. Today everyone can have numerous portraits as long as he has a gadget with internet access. Fascinated Narcissus stares at the device and sees an unsteady figure on a screen. Swiping left and right he chooses his reflection for today. One can compile an endless selfportrait gallery of avatars for all occasions. Figures could be a bit adjusted or transformed beyond recognititon. Existence splits into multitude accounts in all forms of virtual communication with world (from Facebook, WarCraft, Uber to email client and bank account). ID floats between virtual and real, fictional and truthful, body and item. In this regard device has got an ID and provides keeping person's ID at the same time. ID makes unknown known, named, atributed. ID authorisation provides access and prevents outsiders' entering. Login and password are a lock and a picklock. ID is a polysemantic term — from psychoanalysis to identity documents. We wonder what represents ID in the world of people and things, what additional meanings emerge during their interaction and what they lead us to. ![]() Gioula_Papadopoulou-Fall DIGITAL MEDIA SCREENING: PERSONAL IDENTITY CYLAND VIDEO CURATOR: VICTORIA ILYUSHKINA The technological progress of recent years has strengthened the ties between humanity and technology, machines and artificial intellect, and made the interaction between organic and synthetic life more intimate. People and machines learn from each other with the help of neural networks. People's consciousness undergoes certain changes. They develop a different outlook on the notions of life and death, moral problems of scientific experiments, territorial and virtual boundaries, tracking sysscsctems and total digital control. Personalities surrounded by a mirror cube of social networks hide behind their avatars and continue to exist in their accounts even after death. If you are absent from social networks, does it mean that no one knows about your existence, or is it a way of avoiding media control? The preservation of memory and transfer of information onto a digital database, and the fast development of artificial intellect and its humanization makes us face the inevitable question of personality identification. Who are we What is our future going to be like? This program is dedicated to a contemplation of these problems by contemporary artists.
E.V.O.D.E.V.O.R.E.V.O. PRATT DIGITAL ARTS MFA STUDENTS VIDEO INSTALLATION / CURATED BY: CARLA GANNIS Designed to explore the genetic and memetic evolution, devolution, and re-evolution of the human consciousness. These topics, represented by three interconnecting 45-second animated loops, combine to tell a story about our collective personhood. PSYCHEDELIC LOCK BY DANIELE PUPPI VIDEO INSTALLATION, 2016 / CURATED BY VALENTINO CATRICALÀ Two enjoined led monitors appear in a space defined by two angular walls. An image is passed instantly from one monitor to the other accompanied by a forceful rhythmic sound both sustained and hypnotic. In the passage from one dimension to the other the image projected acquires a double physicality, thus defining the very space between the two dimensions – the architectural (physical) and the extreme limitations of movement. In the juncture between the two monitors, passing from one temporal dimension to another, a new image, a new space for perception is created establishing a relationship between two distant realities. A sort of “door” which offers similar stories of two diverse periods in time to coexist. CYFEST is one of the largest international media art festivals, it was founded in St. Petersburg in 2007 by independent artists and curators. The festival promotes the emergence of new forms of art and high technology interactions, developing professional connections between artists, curators, engineers and programmers around the world and exposing wide audiences to the works in the field of robotics, video art, sound art and net art. More info: |